Chapter 14

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"Oh god why am I here?"

"Ouch!fuck!" Harry said, keeping the tray down and shaking his hands up and down wincing at the burn.

He kept his hand under the cold water running down the tap.

"Harry?" Anne asked, rubbing her eyes as she saw her son bustling about in the kitchen.

"Yes mom?" Harry asked, searching the cabinets for a first aid kid.

"Did you burn your hand?" She asked, shaking her head and removing the first aid kit from the cabinet under the sink.

Harry looked at her sheepishly, extending his hands so she could put the bandaid on.

"I thought it had cooled down!" He said, when his mother gave him a look.

She sighed,"be careful, yeah? And are these for Louis?" She asked looking at the batch of perfectly baked cookies.

"Yes." Harry said, proudly.

Anne just smiled at his son, praying to whoever was up there to make sure this Louis boy was worth it, she couldn't have her son break his heart again. She couldn't see him like that again.


Harry gripped the box in his hands tighter, the school crowd pushing around him. He was terrified. It felt like the whole school was closing up on him.


He reminded himself.

Wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans he walked towards Louis' locker.

He felt like everyone knew what was happening, they were looking at him and mocking him, saying that he had lost Louis, he wasn't going to get him back.

Harry shook his head. He wasn't going to give up without trying. He wasn't going to go back, when he'd come this far. Literally.

He waited at Louis' locker for him, his back pressed against the cool metal. Harry breathed in, trying to forget the world existed for a minute.

His mind drifted off to the day when Louis had found him on the football field, hidden behind the bleachers crying. He remembered Louis holding him as he sobbed. Sobbed because people were cruel and how much ever he tried to forget, how much ever he tried to change there were those cruel people who remembered and made it their souls purpose to remind Harry of how unlovable he was.

He closed his eyes.

Slut. Faggot. Whore.

He shook his head, he was past that. He wouldn't go there. Louis will be there for him,right? Louis wouldn't  care about the names right? He won't believe them, right? He'll be there...

Before Harry over thought and ran away from Louis' locker and hid under his blanket for the rest of his life, he heard Zayn's voice.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He snapped.

Harry looked up to see Louis sandwiched between Zayn and Liam.

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