Chapter 21

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"What?" Louis asked, when Liam didn't stop staring at him.

Liam raised his eyebrows.

"That was harsh mate." Zayn pointed out.

Realisation hit Louis like a brick.

"Shit. Fuck. Fuck." Louis said, running his hand through his hair.
He kept the script down and ran out, to find Harry.

He looked along the hallway, asking people if they had seen Harry. They said they didn't. How is that even possible? He went out this way..

Louis went to the only place he could think of, the football field.

And, fortunately, he found Harry sitting on the bleachers, staring at nothing.

Louis sighed at walked towards him.

"Hey Haz." He said, sitting down next to him.

Harry kept staring ahead.

"Haz.." Louis whined, pulling Harry's right hand from under his chin and putting them around his shoulders. He snuggled into Harry, breathing in.

"I'm sorry Hazza. It's just the play is today and I'm scared. I have people to prove and I just— it's very important to me. I was just freaking out and all that...I'm sorry you didn't deserve that."

Harry pulled Louis closer, kissing his forehead, he said "It's okay."

Louis sighed, "it's not."

"Well your play will be done with today anyway so yeah." Harry said, shrugging.

"I'm still sorry Haz , I shouldn't have..."

"It's just, I came to talk to you because I thought we were drifting apart Lou. I can't bare the thought of losing you. I just can't lose you. I was scared and just.."

Louis kissed Harry's lips.

"I'm so sorry. How about this, I take you out tomorrow okay? We..we will make up for the lost time, I will make up for the lost time okay?" Louis said, looking up at Harry.

"Okay." Harry said, smiling.

"So I had got you this." Louis said, giving Harry a piece of paper from his pocket.

"What is it?" Harry asked, taking it.

"It's tickets to the play! I got you the front row ones! " Louis said, grinning.

Harry's smile fell.

"I'm sorry but...but I can't come Louis..I wasn't planning to I —"

"What do you mean you weren't planning to?! You have to come, it's my big day!" Louis said, pulling away from Harry's hold and frowning.

"It's um, i just can't come, Lou please understand.." Harry said, softly.

Louis sighed,"it's whatever. It would have been great if my boyfriend came to see what I have done."

And with that, Louis got up and left.

Harry sighed.

He wish he was less of a fuck up.


"What's got you all sad?" Harry's mum asked, sitting next to him as they put in a movie.

"Louis' play is today." He mumbled, playing with the ticket in his hand.

"And why aren't you there?" His mum asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Well we have a ritual for today don't we?" He asked, "and I don't want to leave you alone today..."

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