Chapter 10

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I think most of y'all are done with my shit and not even like reading this story anymore. I'm Sorry I'm just very lazy and like IM READING THIS FANFIC AND MY LIFE IS NOT GOOD RIGHT NOW IM SORRY.
Harry and Louis got closer, much to their friends' surprise.

They watched with eyebrows raised as Louis shouted 'Break' and strolled over to Harry and started to talking to him, with his hands on Harry's thigh(which Harry didn't mind one bit)making Harry giggle—fucking giggle— and blush and the people knew something fishy is going on. To end their suspicions they decided to go out for lunch. Together.

With the decision is mind, Niall walked over to the two people who were too engrossed in each other to give a fuck about the others.

"Hey lads." Niall said, catching the two's attention, making Harry shift a bit away from Louis and in return making Louis frown.

"What is it Niall?" Louis asked annoyed.

"Well the lads and I were thinking we'll go have lunch, all together after practice. Are you guys up for it?"

"Yeah sure, I don't mind. Hazza?" Louis said, looking over to Harry.

Harry squirmed under the stare and said, "I'll ask my mum and let you know. She had some work with me after practice."

"Alright. Be quick then!" Niall said and walked away with a skip in his step.

Harry got out his phone and called up his mum asking him whether he could go out with his friends. His mum was delighted to hear he was going out with his friends and let him, saying the work could be done later to.

Louis didn't take off his eyes from Harry watching as he let his guard down talking to his mum, his eyes softening by just talking to his mum.

Harry pocketed his phone and nodded and Louis grinned like an idiot.

"Where do you wanna sit?" Louis asked Harry as all ten of them shuffled into the small, homey diner.

"Next to you." Harry said, shuffling closer to Louis, nervously tugging on his coat as people looked at him with disgust.

Louis noticed and put his hands around Harry's waist, squeezing it a bit and guiding him to table. Sitting next to him.

Harry appreciated the gesture.

They ordered their drinks and Harry looked around the diner, which was really pretty in his opinion. The pink walls, not too bright but just right. The couches soft and Harry loved the place but then he noticed the people looking at him and he remembered why he always went to Miranda's cafe in the first place.

Soon the drinks arrived and they ordered their food.

"So...." Liam started.

Harry and Louis looked up to him, their eyebrows raised and honestly how they did it together made Liam freak out.

He cleared his throat and decided to just jump to the point, "what's up with you and Harry?" He asked Louis.

He hoped they weren't dating, because Harry was bad for Louis. He had a bad reputation and well Louis didn't. Louis would just come under bad influence.

"What do you mean?" Louis asked, a frown on his face.

Harry shifted nervously in his seat.

"He means that, we've noticed that you and Harry here have gotten closer and well we'd like to know what's going on?" Zayn put in.

The others nodded.

Before Louis could say anything, Harry started, "nothing's going on between us. We just got along and yeah we're closer now. Nothing fishy going on. If it was Louis would have let you guys know. He's your best friend, innit?" Harry said, annoyed.

Everyone sat there shocked and Louis sat with a smug expression.

"Alright.." Liam said.

"Alright who wants my steak? You aren't getting it if you do anyway!" Niall broke the silence as his food was kept in front of him.

That's how the tension around the table was broken and everyone did their own thing.

Louis wondered if Harry wanted to be something more with him. Because he certainly did want to be something more with Harry. But he'll take it slow. Harry speed.



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