Chapter 22

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"Guys we stood second!" Louis said , excitedly jumping on Harry's lap.

Harry held Louis' hips, he seriously didn't want a problem in the cafeteria.

Cheers were heard from around the table.

"Who came first anyway?" Zayn asked, frowning a bit.

"Some Nick guy. He sung pretty well apparently." Louis said, shrugging.

He leaned against Harry's chest.

"Proud of you babe." Harry whispered in his ears.

Louis grinned wider, if that was possible.

"Thank you."

"How did you figure out all that about me anyway?" Harry asked, referring to the play.

"I knew about you , before I asked you to help me in the play." Louis said shrugging, eyes set on the road.

They were currently driving over to Harry's place for dinner.

"How did you find out?" Harry asked, frowning.

"Well one day I saw you, the punk Harry Styles, petting a cat on the side of a road. Now tell me which punk guy does that?"

Harry blushes at that.

"Then I made it my mission to know who you actually are, you intrigued me Hazza. I even figured you take your mum out on a Saturday and not go to street fight." Louis said snorting.

"I can't believe they made that one up like , you and fighting? Jeez."

"Hey I can fight, I used to box in the starting of the year. So watch your tongue Tomlinson." Harry said, crossing his arms across his chest.

Louis grinned, "I'd like to see a few moves." He said, winking.

Harry just blushed deeper.


"Hello Mrs.Styles!" Louis said, pulling Anne into a hug.

She just laughed and hugged him back, "Hello dear, how are you?"

"I'm great, thank you, and yourself?" He asked, taking off his shoes.

"I'm great too, thanks. Come on in." She said, walking into the kitchen.

"Harry just put the plates, will you?"

"Sure mum." Harry said, walking towards the cabinets and removing some plates.

"So Louis, did you win the show?" Anne asked, placing the cooked chicken on the table.

"We stood second, yeah" Louis said, eyes still focused on Harry, a fond smile on his face as he watched Harry put up the table.

Anne smiled at that.

"C'mon, it's all ready."

"So what do you plan to do after highschool, Louis?" Harry's mum asked.

"I plan on becoming a drama teacher." Louis said, eating his meal.

Suddenly Louis felt a hand on his thigh. Harry was sitting next to him and Anne was sitting in front of them.

Louis gulped, he wouldn't do anything extreme. Louis thought and continued to talk to Anne.

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