Chapter 19

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"Wha—" Harry was cut off when he saw who had pulled him in the surprisingly lit up, store room.

"Hey." Harry said, trying to keep the grin off his face but failing miserably.

Louis grinned back and said, "hello, lovely." Standing on the tip of his toes and kissing Harry.

Harry smiled into the kiss.

After a few minutes they pulled back, breathing heavily.

Harry placed his forehead against Louis' , "you didn't have to pull me like that," He said, his thumb caressing Louis' cheekbones, and after a while he laughed and said, "and the store room Louis? Really?"

"Well I can't exactly kiss you in front of everyone, so I have to find a way." Louis said, shrugging, leaning into Harry's touch.

"Oh," Harry said.

Harry looked at his Louis, his beautiful Louis who gave himself to Harry, who made sure Harry knew he was cared about, who did everything in his power to make sure Harry was happy.

And Harry couldn't kiss him in public? Harry stopped himself from being seen with him in public because he was scared what people would say? Harry didn't do such a small thing for his Louis?

"How about we change that?" Harry said, nuzzling his nose in Louis' neck.

Louis' eyes lit up.


"Ofcourse." Harry said, smiling at his boyfriend.

"Do we just go about on it or like we wait for tomorrow?" Louis asked, looking at Harry making sure he wasn't doing it for Louis' sake and was comfortable with it.

When he saw no signs of distress on Harry's face, he somehow became happier.

"How about we walk out of here holding hands and snog each other's faces off in the hallway?" Harry asked a mischievous glint in his eyes and a shit eating grin on his face.

Louis smiled harder.

So that's what they did, they entwined their hands, holding onto each other tightly like their lives depended on it, like the other one would fall apart if they didn't hold on, and walked out of the store room.

And yes they snogged each other's faces off in the hallway and all people could do was stare.
Because Louis Tomlinson was kissing the punk Harry Styles.

They also didn't know the punk Harry Styles loved pink roses, but that's okay because Louis Tomlinson did and he also made sure Harry Styles got them once a week.


"Mind explaining why we saw y'all snogging in the hallway?" Zayn asked, arms crossed, looking like a mum who caught her kids having extra candy.

Louis shrugged and said, "Because he's my boyfriend?"

Niall spurted out the water he was drinking.There was mucus running down George's nose as he snorted vigorously.Rose started to chew her salad loudly, Samantha punched the wall, Liam  choked on his drink and started coughing loudly, Theo started to spit out programs, Hannah started reciting a verse from their new English chapter, Zayn looked mortified.

It was like the day Louis told them he wanted Harry for the play.

He didn't really know what the problem was.

Harry squirmed in his seat. This is what he was fearing.

Zayn shook his head, coming out of his daze , "he's your boyfriend?" He asked, pointing at Harry.

Louis nodded, gripping Harry's hand in his.

"If this is some joke, it really isn't funny." Liam said, frowning.

"It's not a joke." Louis said, eyebrows scrunched up.

"I knew it! I fucking knew it! I wasn't that drunk! I saw y'all snogging at Drake's party! And I noticed those heart eyes too." He said pointedly.

Louis smiled sheepishly at him.

"Listen guys I don't care what y'all have to say, he's my boyfriend and y'all can't say anything that can change my mind. "

Zayn sighed, "we know. And honestly I don't mind, I think, as long as you're happy." He shrugged.

The rest of the people nodded in agreement.

Louis grinned at his friends.

" careful." Liam said, nervously looking at Harry.

"And use protection." Niall said, pointing a finger at them.

Harry blushed beet red but all Louis could do was smile.

"I love you guys!" He said, getting up and pulling them in a group hug.

When they pulled back Zayn looked directly at Harry and said, "Hurt him and you won't have your limbs intact."

Harry put his hands up in surrender, "not planning to."

And really, Louis couldn't be happier.


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