Chapter 16

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Final exams are over!!!! Expect updates xxx AND THIS STROY REACHED 1K VIEWS OH MY GOD ITS CLOSE TO 2K THANK U !!!! Hope y'all like this xx
"I'll take you as you are."
Louis was ecstatic, he was going on a date with Harry. Harry trusted him after everything.

But the real problem was, where was he supposed to take Harry out on the date? He didn't want Harry to be insecure around so many people or uncomfortable. He could always rent a roof of those pretty hotels. He could get his rotting money in his bank into use.

That was a good idea.

He nodded to himself , walking faster.

But he stopped as soon as he walked a few steps ahead, walking backwards and looking at the vintage shop and the manikin wearing scarves.

His grin widened. Jackpot.


"Louis you just spent hundreds of dollars?! In one shot?!" Louis' mother exclaimed, coming into his too large bedroom which felt empty to him.

"You told me I could do whatever I wanted with my money?" Louis said it as more of a question.

"Ofcourse, yes. But you never even touched the money in your bank. What did you do of the money?"

"I rented the whole hotel roof?" Louis said, sheepishly.

Louis' mother gaped at him, "why?"

"I'm kind of like going on a date?"

Louis' mother grinned wide.
"With whom?"

"This guy."

"Can I meet him?!"

"Gosh no mom!"


"It's our first date! Hold your horses!" Louis said, blushing.

His mother sighed, walking over and sitting next to him. Her hand going through his hair, "I hope he makes you happy. I just want you to be happy. Please just, I hope this doesn't end up in a disaster."

"It won't mum. He makes me happy, very. He lets me make him happy too. He's such a precious gem mum. And I know this won't end up in a disaster, because when two disasters meet, they help each other out. Not cause damage to each other."


Harry sat, staring at his favourite flower printed shirt. He had dug it out from his cupboard. It had been too long since he wore it.

Should he?

He doesn't know, it felt so old. So foreign. Almost as if it didn't belong to him.

He kept staring, contemplating.

Louis likes me for who I am. He wouldn't mind. He wouldn't. He'll like it. I like it. He'll like it too. I can—I can—I do trust him.

With that one final thought, he picked up the shirt and went to his bathroom.

He'll give every ounce of himself to Louis. If it ruined him again, so be it. He can't get more damaged than this.

He walked down the stairs to wait on the couch for Louis, already feeling like himself in his white see-through, pretty flower printed shirt. He even wore his brown boots.

"Are you ready Harry—wow, you—" Harry's mother started stuttering looking at his son, tears automatically coming because this is her son. This was whom she fought for all those years and he's —he's finally back.

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