Chapter 18

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I can't believe only 3-4 chapters more and this book is over. What the hell.

"Oh my god, Louis." Harry moaned as Louis trailed kisses up and down Harry's neck and sucked and left marks all over.

Harry had no idea how they ended up here, they were at this party Louis dragged Harry to and one minute this guy was asking Harry for a dance and the next minute Louis' was kissing him—scratch that—sucking his face off.

Louis's tongue was in his mouth and everything faded away, all Harry could think of was Louis, Louis, Louis. Harry's pants had become too tight at one point and Louis was groping him like he owned him, which he in some way did.

And just like that they were in the spare room of the house where no one was and  Louis was doing things with his tongue which had Harry grip Louis' waist tighter because fuck.

"That fucker had the nerve to ask you to dance." Louis growled, sucking on Harry's neck and running his tongue over the mark he made.

Harry was breathless.

How does one breathe again? Harry didn't know.


"Your mine Harry." Louis said, his blue orbs staring into his green.

"Ofcourse Lou, only yours." Harry said, pulling Louis' closer to kiss him again.

Louis hands went around Harry's waist and Harry groped Louis's ass because he fucking could.

"Oh god Harry." Louis mumbled, thrusting his hips up and grinding his hardened member on Harry's.

Harry moaned loudly.

"Just—oh my god." Louis grinded harder.

"Lou, can I give you a blowjob?" Harry asked.

And was this Harry even real? Louis groaned.

"Yeah—yeah sure if you want. No–force or anything—you don't need to—"

Louis was cut off because Harry was already on his knees and Louis' pants were already pulled down and Harry was mouthing him through his boxers.

"Fuck Haz." Louis moaned, tilting his head backwards.

Louis was already leaking pre-cum when Harry pulled his boxers down. Harry licked his lips, gripping Louis' dick in his. He spread the pre-cum with his thumb, just admiring Louis for a bit. His hot breath was hitting Louis' dick and Louis wanted Harry to do something.

"Harry—Haz—please don't tease—I—"

Louis cut himself with a moan when Harry licked him.

Soon enough Harry was taking him in whole,  his cheeks hollowing, his eyelashes fluttering and looking so beautiful even like this and all Louis could think was 'this person is all mine.'

Harry bobbed his head, looking up at Louis through his eyelashes and whenever Louis moaned it went straight to Harry's dick. Because fuck. Harry loves the noises which left Louis' pink thin lips.

Louis gripped Harry's hair and looked at him, asking for permission because the urge to fuck Harry's mouth was unbearable.

Harry just nodded and that's all Louis needed to thrust into Harry's mouth.

Harry didn't even gag.

Louis was blessed really.

"I'm—I'm gonna come Haz." Louis said, expecting Harry to move away, but he didn't.

Instead when Louis came with a loud moan, Harry swallowed his cum.

Louis stood there in haze for a minute, completely in a state of bliss. But then his eyes set on Harry's painfully hard dick and he pulled his pants up and stepped forward.

He put his hand on Harry's waist, pulling him closer and kissed him.

"Want help with that?" Louis asked.

"Yes—please." Harry said in almost a whisper.

Louis' hands trailed down to the waistband of Harry's pants, rubbing the soft skin there.

"Lou, don't—"

Louis pulled down Harry's pants then, along with his boxers and he grabbed Harry's ass.

"Turn around for me Haz."

Harry did and Louis kneeled in front of Harry's ass.

Harry waited in anticipation as Louis admired Harry's clenching hole. Soon Louis grabbed Harry's ass cheeks and spread them apart and started to ravish Harry's hole with his tongue.

Harry groaned as Louis' tongue met with Harry's hole.

"Oh Lou." Harry moaned loudly.

Louis' tongue went in and out of Harry, making Harry moan even louder.

Harry was coming soon, in spurts all across the wall, with a loud moan.

Louis pulled back  then, a satisfied grin on his face.

Louis got up as Harry pulled up his pants.

"Whoops." Harry said, looking at the ruined wall.

Louis laughed next to him and said, "it's okay babe."

And with one last kiss, they left.

Hand in hand.



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