Chapter 7

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How are you guys?????? I hope everyone is doing well!!!

Louis wonder what it was with Monday's. How could they just be so bad? Like without doing anything. They're just, bad. Even the idea of Mondays is bad. Imagine someone getting married on a Monday. Ew.

Louis walked down the hallway, yawning and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He stopped by his locker taking out his books and closing it with a sigh. This was going to be a long day.


Louis hadn't seen Harry all day, it wasn't like he was looking for him, he just didn't see him in the hallways or anywhere—not even during lunch. He wondered if he'll turn up for practice.

He'll just have to see that in practice.


"C'mon lazy people, get off your asses! It's practice time!" Louis said, cheerfully.

He heard grunts.

"C'mon don't be party poopers, it's gonna be a lovely day! C'mon Hannah, take your place." Louis said, a smile on his face.

Hannah sighed but went on stage anyway.

"Where's Harry?" Louis asked Zayn who was fretting over small things with a writing board in hand.

Zayn paused and looked down on his writing board, "I'm not sure." Zayn said, shrugging, "but people say he got in a fight last night and that he was so badly bruised that he didn't show up."

Louis sighed. These people were idiots.

And when Louis was about to give up and just start practicing, Harry entered.

Louis beamed at him but his smile fell as soon as he saw Harry's face.

"What happened to your face?" Louis said, going over to him, worried.

"None of your business." Harry sneered, turning his face away from Louis.

Louis sighed, putting his hands on Harry face and gently turning it towards him.

"Oh Harry." Louis said, gently rubbing on the bruises.

"What happened,love?" He asked again.

Harry closed his eyes and leaned into the touch, he wanted to hug Louis , hug him tight and he wanted to sob, but he pulled on a brave face. Because he was Harry Styles and he wouldn't fall into the human trap again. Never.

"Didn't you hear? I got into a fight." Harry said, pulling away, missing Louis' touch immediately, and got to work on bushes they needed for a scene.

"I don't believe what those people say. I know you didn't get into a fight." Louis said.

Harry breathed in. He had to suck it up. Why did he even show up today?

Louis sighed when there was silence.

"Well atleast tell me whether you're okay? Does it hurt? Do you want something?"

"I'm okay." Harry croaked out.

Louis was being too nice. He was making Harry's heart flutter and that he cared. But Harry knew he didn't. Nobody did. Harry wasn't supposed to feel this way.This wasn't done. Harry felt like the room was closing up on him. He couldn't stand to be here anymore.

"I need to go." Harry croaked out and with that he ran out. Leaving a sad Louis behind.


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