Chapter 5

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"Hazza." Louis poked Harry's bicep as he tried to put the screw and join the prop together.

"That's not my name."  Harry snapped.

"Woah there tough guy, just you know my friendly-ness gets the better of me." Louis said, raising his hands in defence.

"Don't you have some practice to do or something anyway?" Harry asked, his tongue out in concentration.

"It's done for today you're over working so I decided to give you company. By the way it you look cute concentrating." Louis said, smiling.

Harry groaned,"can't you see I'm trying to ...screw this thing?" Harry said, his eyes focused on that thing.

"I'd rather screw you." Louis said shrugging.

The screw driver slipped out of Harry's hands and he blushed.
He shook his head and ignored Louis.

"Don't ignore me Hazza! Hazza? Haz????!!"

"Fuck it." Harry said, keeping the screw driver down and started to pack his bag.

"What you're leaving already?" Louis said, confused.

"You're not letting me do my work so I might as well leave."

"But I didn't even do anything or bother you..unless what I say does bother you.." Louis said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"You're unbelievable!" Harry said, hoping he wasn't blushing.

"What you're just gonna leave me while I waited for you? Rude." Louis said, running to catch up with him.

Harry sighed and stopped in his tracks as he waited for Louis to catch up.

"Oh how can I ever repay you, your highness?" Harry said, rolling his eyes.

"I don't know maybe bow down or go on your knees."

"You want me to kneel down and beg for your forgiveness?" Harry said, eyebrows raised as he took out his water bottle and took a sip.

"Well begging isn't the only thing you do on your knees lil Hazza." Harry spit out the water from his mouth.

"Why did I do this again?" Harry asked, massaging his forehead.

"Because you love me!" Louis said, throwing his arms around his shoulders.

Harry shrugged off Louis' hands from his shoulders, feeling flustered by his little touch.

Louis pouted, then his eyes lit up just like that.

"There is a way you can repay me though." Louis said, eyes glistening with mischief.

Harry rolled his eyes, "and how is that?"

"Well you could get me some coffee."

"Hello Miranda." Harry said, smiling, as he opened the door to the small cafe.

He held the door open for Louis and Louis smiled up to him.

Harry rolled his eyes, "don't flatter yourself."

"Hello Harold." Miranda said, smiling.

"Who is your friend over there? About time you bought someone else." She added.

Before Harry could open his mouth, Louis introduced himself, "I'm Louis! Harry's taken part in the play I'm pulling off! Being a total sweetheart I was so close to not getting in but the voila Harry shows up!"

"Oh that's something Harry would do. My shop had shifted once and when I couldn't manage to get those truck guys this boy showed up with three of them!" Miranda said.

"You know I'm right here?" Harry said, "and I did none of those things."

Miranda looked at him and then signed, "I'll just make your tea. What will you have Louis?"

"Umm, surprise me. I'm a tea guy by the way."

"Sure thing honey." And with that Harry and Louis were left alone. Well except the few people in the cafe.

Harry led them to a table not too far away.

Soon Miranda kept the drinks in front of them and they drank it in silence , no one uttering a word.

Once both of them were out and headed different ways , towards their house, Louis stopped at called out for Harry.

Harry sighed and looked at him, wondering why he even puts up with Louis, "what now?"

"There is so much more to you than your scary facade and body full of tattoos, Harry, and I'm going find out every single thing, every last bit of you." Louis said, smiling, and with that he left.

Harry's heart bested loudly in his chest. He wasn't sure why. He felt so terrified and scared and vulnerable that someone might get know every thing about him , every dark secret and Harry would have zero control over it. He hopes his walls were strong enough to not break.

But the thought of someone caring enough to break them down, made his stomach flutter and he had absolutely no idea why.



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