Chapter 13

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Read 'Ingenuous Revenge' by me and my co-writer please.

Harry had planned to wake up at five am to bake those cookies, but fuck his sleep, he woke up half an hour before he had to be in school. So he decided to bake the cookies tomorrow and give them to Louis. Because he wouldn't give Louis stake cookies, Louis deserved the best. Harry would bake him fresh cookies.

He hurriedly put on clothes, not bothering matching the outfit and ran out of the house with a banana.

He ran behind the bus and jumped in, getting a few weird looks from people. But he didn't care, he was happy, smiling even, because he is going to let Louis in. He is going to have someone who cares. He's going to have someone who might just end up loving him. Might.

Once the bus parked in front of his school, he ran inside. First period had already started, so he dashed into his classroom. All heads looked up, and the teacher raised his eyebrows.

"Mr..?" Ofcourse he didn't know Harry's name, Harry had made it his soul mission to be invisible so of course the sir didn't know Harry's name.

"Styles. Harry Styles."

"Well Mr.Styles, don't be late again. Take your seat."

Harry nodded and walked to the back of his class. He took his seat, he felt eyes on him as he sat down like people were noticing him for the first time.

He would've snapped under normal circumstances but he was just too happy to be bothered.


Harry literally ran out of the class when the bell to lunch rang. He wanted to see Louis so bad. He was going to apologise to Louis for being a dick and then tomorrow he'll get him cookies and he imagined Louis' smile, the crinkles by his eyes and he just couldn't fucking wait.

He was at his locker, stuffing his books in it when someone pushed him.

"It's all fucking because of you!" Zayn snarled at him.

Harry was about to snap too, but he held back. They were Louis' friends.

Zayn pushed him back again and his back slammed into the locker, he winced, the metal hurting his head.

"It's because of  you. He fucking trusted you!" Zayn said, through gritted teeth, holding Harry by his collar.

Harry was but taller than Zayn but he was intimidated by Zayn. Fuck he was scared.

"What-what are you talking about?" Harry stuttered.

"Don't act fucking innocent. He told me! It's because of you he did it again and it's because of you he's going to the counsellor again it's all fucking because of you!"

Harry's heart shattered at that. Harry knew Zayn was talking about Louis.

"What-what did he do?" Harry asked softly.

"You don't deserve to fucking know! You stay the fuck away from him shit head." Zayn punched him then, Harry took it, he deserved it. He didn't care if the whole school thought he was a weak fuck, he didn't care. He hurt his Louis.

"What are you doing?!" Liam screamed, running towards Harry and Zayn. He pulled Zayn off of Harry. Zayn fought against his hold, but Liam was stronger. Zayn stopped after sometime and breathed in. Once Liam knew he was calm enough, Liam left him.

Before leaving Zayn took one step closer to Harry and said," You take one step closer, give me one reason to suspect you're going to hurt Louis again, you'll be in the hospital with casts all over your body. I won't hold back then." Zayn said, slamming him against the locker once more, glaring at him and storming off.

Liam gave him a sympathetic smile, like he understood what Harry did and why Harry did it. He couldn't possibly know.

"Just apologise to him and stay away if he wants you to yeah? Yeah he might not trust you the same, but you have gain it back. If you want. I hope you want to. I hope it wasn't a joke to you. And yeah he will forgive you, it may take sometime but he will. He likes you too much. He believes in you, believed in you before anyone else did—when nobody else would. You made him happy Harry, you gave him a reason to do something. I hope you know that." Liam said, patting his shoulders.

Harry gulped, trying to keep his tears in, "He makes me happy too. I know he believed in me before anyone else did and I'm so thankful for that. I like him a lot too. I hope he knows and I didn't mean anything I said, it was just a spur of the moment—"

"I know and I know you'll make things better . We don't trust you with Louis, but he does. He trusts himself with you and he rarely does that with people. I hope you don't take that lightly. We're very protective of him and we won't trust you easily. But let's just say I got to know something about you Harry and I know why you're the way you are. Let me tell you this, Louis means no harm. He's giving you his hundred percent. He isn't like that asshole." Liam said and Harry stares at him in disbelief.

"You-you know?" Harry asks.

"Well, I like to know who Louis is hanging out with. Like I said we're very protective of him."

Harry gulped,"please don't tell anyone?" Harry plead.

"I won't, but you do know you have to explain it all to Louis, if not all of us, once he gets back, right?"

Harry nodded.

"Can you tell me what he did?" Harry asks, hopefully.

"That's for him to tell you. Sorry.Good luck Harry and I hope you come up with a damn good apology!" With that Liam left, leaving a scared and sad Harry. But also a hopeful Harry. Atleast Liam understood him maybe he'll side him.

To say Harry felt like shit was an understatement. Louis had to go back to the counsellor because of him? What did Zayn meant by again? Did Louis used to go there before? What did Louis do to himself?

Whatever it was, it was bad. Harry hated himself. He had official ruined another life.

But this time, he'll make it up for him. He promised himself.  Because Louis was the first person who believed in Harry and somehow Harry felt like living up to his expectations.


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