Chapter 3

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Harry Styles was a junior in the high school Louis went to , with no friends and a tough exterior which made everyone in school fear him. He had tattoos covering his arms and a few scattered around his chest, he had a lip ring and he also had his eyebrows pierced. It was in his freshman year when he'd knocked out a guy for teasing him, and well no one dared to go near him ever since.

Louis walked towards Harry Styles' locker, whistling and a book in his hand.

People watched as the short yet older lad walked towards Harry, their eyes widening and jaw dropping. Louis took notice of it but pretended that he didn't notice. He was very good at that.

On the other hand, Harry did notice and well he wasn't going to pretend that he didn't notice. He glared as Louis stood in front of him.

"Good Morning young Harold!" Louis chirped, fucking chirped.

Harry's glare hardened.

Louis laughed, "if you think you're scaring me you're dead wrong. I've seen scarier people than a guy with pretty green eyes and a dimpled smile so quit that, I've come here for a favour."

Harry's eyes soften and he was hoping that he wasn't blushing, really.

But he got over it quickly like that never happen and stood there quietly, hands crossed over his chest and eyes set in a firm glare.

"You see there's a talent show coming up and I want to put up a play. The reason I'm coming up to you is that we need ten participants and me and my friends are only nine, so I was thinking—"

"No." Harry said, slamming his locker door shut.

"You didn't even hear me out!" Louis said, raising his arms.

"Whatever it is, it's a no. I don't do favours." Harry said, walking away.

"C'mon you can make an exception! Please! It's my dream, please! You've got to help me, you don't get it, it's—it's my only chance to prove myself—just—"

"Listen mate, I don't give a fuck." Harry said, his back still facing Louis. He chewed his pierced bottom lip, contemplating.

Louis sighed, "well if you decide to do give a fuck and help a guy fulfil his dream please show up in the auditioning room during lunch."

With that he walked away.


Harry sat in his English class as he thought over what Louis had said. Why would he want me in his talent show? And why isn't he scared of me? Harry thought.

"I've seen scarier people than a guy with pretty green eyes and a dimpled smile."

Harry blushed thinking about what Louis had said. How'd he know Harry had dimples? He didn't remember smiling in school.

He frowned.

Was it worth helping someone who he barely knew?

Well it was for fulfilling someone's dream...and Harry wasn't the one who'd ruin someone's dream.


"Louis Tomlinson?" The teacher asked holding up a writing pad which had forms of people participating for the talent show.

"That's me! And I'll be putting up a play. And these are my group members." Louis said, motioning to his eight friends behind him.

"Y'all are just nine. I'm sorry , you should have at least ten members to participate for a group show." The woman said, her perfectly made eyebrows raised.

There was silence in the auditioning group. Louis and his mates were the last ones left behind. Louis was waiting for Harry to show up..which he never did..

"Well you could make an exception!" Louis said, annoyed because this was not happening, no one could stomp on his dreams like that.

"I'm sorry, Mr.Tomlinson but we can't. You should have at least ten members if you are going to put up a group show."

"Louis I think—"

"No Zayn—But Ms I—"

"No buts Mr.Tomlinson, do you have a tenth member or not?"


"Yes he does. I'm the tenth member." Louis turned around to look who was the one who spoke and he grinned when he saw it was none other than Harry Styles standing at the entrance of the auditioning room, his green eyes bright, his pierced eyebrows  scrunched up like he's still contemplating, but he shook his head quickly and walked towards Louis.

Louis crossed his arms and looked at the woman smugly, like he won a battle.

"Well would you like to enter my name now Ms.ThereShouldBeAtleastTenMembers."

Louis received the deadliest of glares that particular day, but he didn't care. Or in Harry's language, he didn't give a fuck.


It's been a while since I last wrote!!!.'snxnnsks I HAVE TO GET BACK THE HANG OF IT.

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