Chapter 3

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The plan

Caroline POV:

Ugh, I don't need anymore trouble. After I told Elena about Tyler, Damon called her. It seems like Klaus is back and want some kind of revenge. Neither Elena or Damon knows what Klaus want this time. All he told Damon was that he wanted revange on Stefan. And I really don't know what Stefan has done to make Klaus angry. But I have a feeling that it's nothing good.

I'm still hurt because Tyler left me. Our relationship was finally stable, and just like that he left. But I have to put that a side until me and my friends have take care of the Klaus problem. One of the reasons that me and Tyler didn't have a stable relationship was because of Klaus. Tyler claimed that Klaus has a thing for me. We were always fighting over that.

I was inturrupped by Damon. Me, Elena, Bonnie and Matt where at Damon and Stefan's boarding house. Their boarding house is really beautiful and big. Stefan wasn't here. Nobody know where he is. Even Elena doesn't know. So we all think that Stefan has done something pretty bad.

-Earth to Barbie? Damon said. He always called me Barbie or Blondie. Sometimes he could call me Forbes. Well, only those days that he wasn't so grumpy.

-What? I asked confused.

-Do you understand what you are going to do? Or should we tell you again? Damon asked harsh. Yes, he is pretty grumpy today.

-Well, I shall do... I sha-

-Ugh Barbie, You are going to distract Klaus. Get some information. Make him tell you what Stefan has done this time so that we can fix it. And tell him that he really need to stop threathen Elena. Okay.

-Fine. But why do I need to distract him?

-Because he has a thing for you! Everybody said in sync. I laugh a little. But, seriously, this is not fun. Even if he has a thing for me, witch I still don't belive, I can't stand him.

-Me, Matt and Elena will go on a little trip. After Bonnie has done her little magic spell and find out there Stefan can be. And meanwhile we are gone, Bonnie can help Caroline for some support when it comes to distract Klaus. Damon said. I could see on his face that he was pretty glad over his "amazing" plan. The plan is still not good, because we still don't know what Klaus want.

After a while decide what I should go to The Grill. And goes who I saw there. No one else than Klaus Mikealson. That reminds me that I should be a distraction and get some information about his plans and what Stefan has done.

I sat down on a chair. Gosh, Klaus was on this way over to me. It's so annnoying because he always make me so nevous.

-Hello love. I'm really happy to see you here. He said and smiled.

-Well well well, isn't that the one and only big bad hybrid? I said sarcastic.

-No need to be sarcastic love.

-So what are you doing here? I asked. Even if I know that he was here for revege.

-I'm looking for Stefan. You are really close to him, so you probably know where he is.

-Sorry to let you down. But no, I don't know where he is. What do you wonder?

-None off your bussiness love.

-Lets make a deal. You tell me what you want, and I can make sure that he is here tomorrow.

-I can't tell you.

-Oh, come on. Tell me. I promise that he will be here by tomorrow. Okay? He was quiet for a while. Probably thinking about some better deal or anything like that.

-I promise to tell you if you give Elena to me. He said. I thought about it for a few minutes, before I decide if I should give Elena to him or not.

-Tell me what you want from her. Then I decide if I will give Elena to you.

-You aren't going to give her to me if I don't tell you ugh?

-That's right. So tell me.

-Well Stefan has two things that I want. And Elena's blood can make me create hybrids. Don't worry love, I won't kill her as long as you give her to me.

-Fine. I will give her to you. I said. I know that Klaus has some kind off plan. But so do I now. I will change the game a little. Neither of my friends will know about it. If they know, they will be in danger. This is the only way that Klaus can't hurt Elena.

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