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Caroline POV:

There has been five whole years now sence me and Klaus got together after the drama with Hayley and me being in a coma. We haven't heard from her sence she ran away. It doesn't enen matter because I never really liked her anyway. Rebeckah got an surprise when Matt knocked on the door. Sence she meet him back in Mystic Falls, she had a little crush on him. And now they are together. I'm kinda surprise but in the same way not because Bonnie and Kol are now together. Well, they kinda always fight about the most silly things ever. But they always makes up in the end of the day. But two years ago, they had the biggest fight ever. Kol wanted to turn Bonnie into a vampire because he can't live without her. She is his true love. Like Klaus is my true love. They were on no speaking terms for two month. Bonnie thought that Kol were all selfish but she realised that if there were the other way. She would want the same way. So they decided to turn Bonnie after she finished college. I never went to the college because I have had so much going on in my life right now. I have to raise my two children, Hope and Henrik.

Sometimes Klaus had been gone for a couple off day to go and hunt. Rebekah, Elijah, Kol and Katherine use to follow them so it's always me, Bonnie and Matt who has to stay home and looking after the children. They are so full of life. But then Bonnie turned into a vampire, Elijah and Kol started to help her with all the vampire stuff. She had a really hard time to not drink from humans. Eventually she got over it and only drinks blood bags. And Katherine is still pretty sassy but Elijah makes her a better person and you can see how he has change her in a better way.

I was sitting in the living room with Rebekah. We were playing with Hope and Henrik who are pretty lively. They never gets tierd. Bonnie, Katherine and Matt were making dinner in the kitchen meanwhile we were waiting for the guys to come back home. It's kinda hard to think how much our lifes have changes sence I came here to New Orleans. But it has been a better changing in my life.

-So Care, what's gonna happen now? Rebekah asked

-What? What do you mean? I don't understand? I said confused.

-Oh, come on. You know I'm talking about you and Nik. It's been five years any you two are still just "boyfriend and girlfriend". She said and smiled.

-What do you mean? I asked even more confused. Rebekah didn't have the chance to say anything more because the front door opened and in came the guys. Klaus vamp-speed to me and gaved me a gentle kiss.

-So where have you been now? You guys haven't been home sence three days back. And you never told us there you were going. Bonnie said when she walked out off the kitchen and into the living room there we where. She looked at Kol with a little anger. They usually tells us there they are going.

-We were in New York. Kol said. Me, Rebekah and Bonnie were kinda angry now.

-And you guys didn't tell us because? I asked

-Come on love, it's not that such of big deal. Klaus said and kissed me again. I stood up and looked right into his eyes.

-Not such big deal? Are you kidding me? You never tell us where you are going now days. It's like you three just disappear for a couple days and then returns back home. Like it's not a big deal there you are going nowdays!? What if something happens to you and we don't know where you are? Have you ever thought about that? I said harsh with anger in my voice. I turned around and looked at Rebekah and said

-Well, nothing is going to happen! And then I walked into the kitchen there Katherine were making the dinner. She looked at me confused and asked.

-What's going on out there? She asked.

-It's like they are allowed to go somewhere for a couple days and not telling us. And we aren't allowed to do the same. It's the same old thing "I don't want to loose you Caroline, that's why I don't want you to go anywhere without telling me" I said and tried to imitate Klaus. I wasn't so good at it.

-Come on Care, it's because he loves you.

-I know that. But it's like I'm not allowed to do anything without Klaus knowing there I'm going. I mean, I am much happier now and all off that. But I don't feel what I felt before. I said and looked out at the livingroom there the other where.

-And what's that? Katherine asked and looked concerned.

-Free. I don't feel free. It's like, I don't know. It's just diffrent you know. But I feel free in Another way. And it's a new and better feeling. I said.

-Yeah, I know. But look what you got. You got two healthy children and Klaus. And you got me, Bonnie, Rebekah and the rest of the guys. And it might not feel like you are free in the way you might felt before. And you have what other vampires can't have. But you have children. That's actually impossible for us. But you have that. You have Klaus, who loves you endlessly. He would do anything and everything for you. And you know that. So don't ever feel like that again? Okay?

-Yeah, your right. And I really do love Klaus. Thank you so much. Shall I help you finishing the dinner? Sence there three more people who are going to eat? I said

-No, it's okay. Tell Elijah to come. And if it makes you feel better. You should talk to Klaus. Sort out things. Okay?

-Okay, thanks again. I said and walked back into the livingroom. I looked at Klaus. He looked kinda worried, and a little angry. But in the same time happy. He was playing with Henrik.

-Elijah, Katherine wants you in the kitchen. I said and smiled soft. He stood up and walked into the kitchen meanwhile the rest off us stayed in the livingroom. Rebekah picked up Hope from the floor and started to play around with her. They all turned around and looked at me. I don't know why so I asked them.

-Guys, why are you looking at me like that? It's creepy you know. I said and half smiled.

-Nothing. It's just - Rebekah didn't finished the sentence before Katherine yelled that the dinner was ready. I never thought that my life would be like this. Me having two children, being a vampire, being together with Klaus and a member off there family. Even me and Rebekah has become friends. Well, we are now best friends.

*After the dinner*

After we all have eaten dinner. Me and Klaus walked up to our room. Rebekah and Katherine were putting Hope and Henrik to bed. So we didn't have to do it. It's so relaxing sometimes just being me and Klaus. Not having anything else to think about at the moment.

I was laying in the bed and Klaus were sitting beside me. He was painting something in his sketchbook. And sometimes he were looking at me.

-What are you painting? I asked curious and looked into his beautiful eyes.

-You. He said and smiled.

-Ugh, put that away and kiss me! I said and smirked. And Klaus did what I said. He put away his sketchbook and kissed me. Right then, I heard Hope crying. I sighed and was going to her room to make her stop crying. But Klaus was holding me and said "Let Rebekah take care about that". And after that he kissed me.

-Love, have I told you how much I love you? He said between kisses.

-I love you Klaus.

-I love you, love. He said again and kissed me once again. I'm so hopelessly in love with this man.

-You'll always be mine love.

-And you'll always be mine, no matter what. I said. I couldn't say anything more because he kissed me so pasionated and with so much love. I know that it's here I belong. In Niklaus Mikealsson's arms. Nothing can change the way I feel about him. Because I happen to love him.

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