Chapter 8

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Telling Bonnie:
Caroline POV:

The first thing that I did when I woke up was to check my phone. Klaus had send me text. That reminds me that I'm suppose to meet him today. I still wonder how he got my number. It's kinda creepy?

I took a shower and put on some clothes before going to school. I know that I can't tell my friends about this. And I hope that Jeremy didn't tell anyone. Hopefully he didn't. I jumped out off my car at the school. The first thing I saw was Bonnie running forward me. She stoped when she was two meters from me. She looked kinda worried. Well, I don't blame her.

-Caroline, have you seen Elena? I talked to Jeremy this morning and he haven't seen her. He doesn't know where she is. I'm worried for her. Does Klaus have something to do with this? Bonnie asked. I was grateful that Jeremy lied to Bonnie about Elena. But I feel like I have to tell her about the plan.

-Bon, we need to talk about something. It's kinda importent. I said.

-Not until we have find Elena. She said. She can be stubborn sometimes.

-Well, it's about her. Follow me. I said and turned around so that we could go somewhere there it wasn't so many people. We sat down on a bench and I started to explain everything. Of course I told her that Jeremy know and that he promised me that he wouldn't tell anyone. She understood that. Witch is good. I didn't tell her about me meeting Klaus this afternoon. She would have stoped me and told me something like "Are you crazy? He is dangerous and he can kill you" and alot more. Bonnie promised me that she wo'n't tell Stefan and Matt. Special not Damon. He would go insane and kill me if I didn't tell him where she is.

*This afternoon*
I stood outside The Grill, waiting for Klaus. I don't really know why we are suppose to meet each other here. I mean, we aren't suppose to tell anyone about this meeting. And everyone can see us here. Anyway, I don't really want to care about it now.

-Hello there love. I heard that beautiful british voice behind me. I turned around to face him.

-Hello Klaus. I said and smiled.

-Let's talk. He said soft. He seemes so relaxed. That's kinda werid. He's always so tense, angry or grumpy.

-Yeah, sure. I said and smiled.

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