Chapter 6

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Telling Jeremy about the plan:
Caroline POV:

As my plan was in action, I was thinking about what I should do next. I think that I should tell Jeremy. Just to calm him down. I know that it is his big sister and only family member left. So I think that he needs to see her and keep everything in secret.

I talked to Jeremy over the phone and he promised that he would come as soon as he is done with something. I hope that it's nothing stupid. Someone was pounding at my door. What the hell, I thought. Jeremy usually just knock and wait until I open the door. The door and in came a really angry Niklaus Mikealson. Upsi, he most have know about my plan by now.

-What brings you here Klaus? I said sarcastic.

-You... you lied and tricked me. He yelled. Well, I think that it's best that Jeremy waits for a little while until he came over.

-What are you talking about? I asked. I know exactly what he was talking about.

-The Elena I took wasn't the real Elena! He yelled.

-Yeah? I know. You see, I just made some calls and told Stefan to come back here because, you know "Elena was dying". Which wasn't true. I talked to her and we made a deal. She is hiding somewhere. She didn't tell me where because we know that you can compell us vampires. Because you are an original vampire. And after talking to Elena, I made another call. And guess who answered then, Katherine Pierce. She agreed to "play Elena". I don't even know why. I'm not suprised that Stefan didn't find out that it was Katherine and not Elena. But I actually thought that you would figured it out earlier. Anyways, you told me that Elena's blood can create more vampire, and Katherine's blood can't. So the plan is working. And I don't think that you should be angry at me because if you kill me now, you won't find your beautiful coffins. You see, Stefan told me once where they were. And I can promise you, it's the most obvious place where he keeps the coffins. And I will show you where they are, if you promise me to leave Mystic Falls, and not kill Elena or even touch her. Are we clear? I finished my speech. He was quiet for a while. I didn't relize that Jeremy was standing behind Klaus. Well, he must have heard what I told Klaus. Witch is both good and bad.

-Fine! Meet me at The Grill tomorrow. I'll text you the time. He said angrily. Well, I guess he needed to think and clear out stuff about what I just told him. Now I have to tell the truth for Jeremy. He didn't look so happy.

-Come in Jeremy. I said and smile. I know that when I've told him the truth he won't be so angry at me.

-Caroline, what have you done? He asked. He didn't sound so angry. But his eyes told me something else.

-Short story. I told Klaus what I don't know where Elena is. I just said that because he can compell us vampires to do what he says. Just because he is an original. I actually know where she is. I never told anybody else. Just for their safety. Elena is fine and safe. What I told about Katherine pretending to be Elena is true. I wouldn't stand a minute knowing she was hurt because of me. She will come back here by tomorrow when Klaus has his coffins and leave Mystic Falls forever. I know that you are angry at me because of this. But it is like it is. And you just have to accept it. Okay? I said soft.

-I don't know what to say. I'm angry at you for not telling me the truth from the beginning. But I'm also really glad because you would do anything for your best friend, for my sister. I know what you are doing is dangerous. I won't tell the other. But why are you actually giving back Klaus's coffins?

-Thank you for understanding Jer. Well, it's because this is all Stefan's fault and nobody seemed to do anything. And this was the only way I could come up at the moment with. I'm sorry for making you so worried. And I am really angry at Stefan. If he hadn't taken those coffins with Klaus's family, this wouldn't have happened. So, not to be mean or anything agains Stefan. But you can snap Stefan's neck if you want to. He kinda deserves it. I said and smiled.

-Thamk you Caroline. Jeremy said and left my house.

When Jeremy had left I made myself a cup off tea and sat don on my couch to watch some tv-series. I thought about everything that had happened today. When it hit me. The last sentence that Klaus said to me before leaving earlier today. "I'll text you the time", when and how had he got my number. I don't remember giving it to him. And why would I?

It was almost midnight so I decide to go to bed and sleep.

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