Chapter 41

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Girl talks:

Caroline POV.

After I smashed the door right infront of Tyler, me and Klaus walked into the living room there Elijah, Katherine, Bonnie and Kol there. I looked at them and they all had a grin on their face. Well, not Elijah, he was smiling instand. Katherine were the first one to speak.

-So your over that dog now? She said and laugh alittle.

-Long time ago. Don't know what I saw in Tyler. I said and smiled at Klaus. He was smiling back. I finally felt like everything was going to be okay from now on. And that was a really good feeling that I haven't felt for a very long time now. Now there were Bonnie who spoke.

-So what's now? What are we going to do? She asked.

-I know exactly what we could do Bon-bon. Kol said and looked at her.

-Oh no, your not. I said and now there were I who laugh.

-Girls, I've to talk to you. I said after a couple minutes. Klaus looked at me confused. Before me and the girls walked up to Rebekah's room to talk, I gave Klaus a kiss on the lips. We walked into Rebekah's room. She was fixing her make-up when we came in. She turned to face us and said.

-What are you guys doing her? She said soft and smiled. She sat down on her bed after she fixed her make-up. I was the one to speak first of the girls.

-Girl talk. Was the only thing I said. I saw Rebekah's face lighten up. I guess she doesn't use to have any girlfriends to talk to. Sence she only lives with her brother. Well, lived with only her brothers. Now I'm here. I don't really know how long Bonnie and Katherine are going to stay. Well, they kinda lived her now so I don't know.....

-So what do you girl want to talk about? Katherine said.

-Boys obviously. I said sarcastic. But I meant it of course.

-I guess you mean talking about you and Nik? Isn't that true Care? Rebekah said and laugh a little. Me, Bonnie and Katherine also started to laugh. And I blushed. I don't know why, I just did.

-Well, that's true. But I also want to know what's going on between Bonnie and Kol. And why you Katherine decided to come here to New Orleans. I mean, when I was on the way here to New Orleans, you wanted Stefan. And now your all over Elijah. I said and looked at Katherine. And she blushed. I've never seen her blush before.

-Yeah, I wonder the same. Bonnie said. We all looked at Katherine and we saw that she seriously were blushing now.

-Well, when you Caroline texted me that Stefan were in Mystic Falls, I went there. But I saw who he had became. And I didn't like him the same as I did before. I was wrong about my feelings. And then I remember why you asked me for help when Stefan were planning his revenge against Klaus. Which you stoped Caroline. I really liked your attitued than, and still does. Then I heard about everything going on here. So I went here and meet Elijah once again and my old feelings from when I was a human came back for him and sence than I can't leave New Orleans. Because he is here and I don't think I can live without him. Katherine said and blushed once again.

-Wow, I didn't know that. I said and looked at her and smiled.

-And what about you Bonnie? What's going on with Kol and you? Rebekah asked.

-Well, I didn't just came here because I missed you Caroline. I needed a break from Mystic Falls. Jeremy cheated on me with some other girl. Stefan went all nuts about revenge. Elena and Damon is now together and all over each other. And Matt workes at Mystic Grill all the time. So there where nothing left for me in Mystic Falls. And I need a little action in my life. And I totally got that here. And I'm much happier now when I'm here. She said and looked a little sad but at the same time really happy.

-I'm so sorry about Jeremy. Why haven't you told me about this? You know I'm here for you Bonnie. I said and hugged her.

-We haven't had time for girl talk sence there have been so much going on here. Right? She said and laugh.

-You right about that. I said and smiled.

-But seriously guys, aren't we all curious what's going on between Care and Nik? I think that's what she wanted to talk about. But tried to avoid talking about it at the same time. Rebekah said and grinned.

-Yeah Care, tell us now. Bonnie said.

-Have you all been dead? You have been around all the time. And you Rebekah have listened to almost every conversation between us. Ain't I right? I said and she laughed.

-You right Care, but not the latest. What's going on between you right now? We all saw you kiss him in the livingroom. You can't hide it anymore. Rebekah said.

-Yeah, tell us. Bonnie and Katherine said in sync, and I giggled.

-Alot. Was all that I said and they looked at me annoyed.

-Seriously Caroline Forbes! Tell us now! Bonnie said and me and Rebekah laugh.

-Fine girl. The truth is that everything is better than ever between me and Klaus. I haven't felt so happy in ages. And I think I love him. I said and blushed.

-You think? Bonnie said.

-Okay okay. I love Klaus. No that's not true. I don't just love him, I am in love with him. That's the truth. I said and looked away because I was blushing so much.

-OMG Care! Have you told him? If you haven't. You need to now. Seriously. You have to. And to be really honest, this makes me so happy. Finally I have a sister.Rebekah said and smiled really big. I could see in her eyes that she was really happy.

-I know, I know. And I will. I said and smiled.

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