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The memories swirl 

Your subconscious in a twirl 

There was something you forgot 

And you can sense that it meant a lot. 

How did i know 

that it would come to blows?

and now you dont remember 

that only last december 

You promised not to forget.

Now, you'll be my last regret. 

I mean, i always knew 

that i was invisible to you 

but really this has gone to far 

and now you'll have the mar 

of a broken promise.  

Im not the only one who's heartless.... 

I asked you to save me, 

and here i am waiting to be 

and here i'll stay 

'cause you forgot to say 

That what you meant was "Maybe." 

So now im going to be the one to forget,

you wont have to fret 

that you fucked up.

My death might seem abrupt, 

but this has been building for some time 

I just wanted to first finish this rhyme. 

A Random Dark Bit of Poetry (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now