Chapter 18 - Let's Party!

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Zayn's P.O.V

I stared down at my little sister and I felt upset when I saw her crying. Although I hardly knew her, she felt closer to me than any of my other sisters. Niall was being such a great 'older brother' to her and I could see that he was glad that Zara was a part of our family. 

Breaking the silence, Harry shouted, "LET'S PARTY!" Typical of him to get the party started; at least Zara could take her mind off of what had happened. That Chloe was going to get it. 

Before I joined in all of the fun, I quickly texted the lads: 'Do you think we should tell her older brother about what Chloe did to her?'. Chloe deserved all of the punishment that she would have received if Ibrahim had ever found out what she did to Zara, but, then again, if we told Ibrahim, we would be just as bad. I pondered over the various options. After sending my texts, I didn't get any replies.

"Zara, take some cake before Niall finishes the whole lot!" laughed Louis, whilst handing Zara a paper plate with a large slice of cake. Niall's eyes popped open when he saw the cake, and, immediately, he cut a slice for himself, almost three times as big as Zara's piece. I quickly rushed over to the commotion to have a bit and share this time with my little sister.

 After hours of partying, we decided to calm down by watching a film.

Standing in front of the DVD shelf, Liam asked, "What film should we watch? Comedy, horror, classic?"

"Zara... why don't you choose?" Harry smirked.

"Comedy?" Zara's eyes suddenly lit up, "Do you have '30 Minutes Or Less'?"

Liam scanned through each DVD before throwing a DVD towards Zara, as if it were a frisbee.

"Have you guys watched it before?" Zara grinned.

We all shook our heads in unison, before I replied, "We haven't really watched the majority of these films, as we're too busy sometimes." 

"This will be great!" she squealed, clapping her hands and choosing a spot on the large, cream sofa to sit on. Eventually, she decided to sit in the middle of the sofa, Liam and I on either side of her. On Liam's left side, sat Niall and on my right side, sat Harry, and then Louis. All of a sudden, Niall leapt out of his seat.

"Niall, the film hasn't started yet and it's a comedy, not horror..." Liam said, pulling Niall back onto the sofa.

"We forgot the popcorn and drinks!" Niall yelled, rushing off into the kitchen.

"Trust him to remember the food!" I whispered.

We stared in awe when Niall came back. Not only did he come back with three bowls of popcorn and two bottles of drinks, but another huge cake, countless chocolate bars and even some chicken that was left over, surprisingly, from Nando's. He sat back down next to Liam, as if he didn't do anything out of the ordinary. He gave Liam, Zara, Harry, Louis and I one bottle of drink, it was the two litre bottle, while he had a whole bottle to himself. He gave us two bowls of popcorn, which was pretty reasonable and he left the cake on the table near the arm of the sofa and he kept the chicken on his lap. He was kind enough to offer us some, but nobody wanted anything apart from the popcorn and drinks.

Zara's P.O.V

A few minutes into the film I had an idea. A pretty brilliant one at that. The only problem was that I needed a partner: Zayn. I nudged Zayn and whispered into his ear my plan, which would mean that we would both miss the film. I told Zayn that I would make up for the time by watching it with him another day. We stood up from our seats and started to leave the sitting room.

Just as we were about to exit the room, Liam stated, "Zara, Zayn, where are you two going?"

Before I even had the time to think of an answer, Harry said, "Oh, they're probably going to go to the park or something, to bond."

"Yeah, just that. We've already watched the film," Zayn lied. He was the complete opposite of me; I couldn't lie to save my life, but the way Zayn lied was like it was more than true.

"BYE!" yelled the boys while I searched for my shoes under the rubble of the boys'.

"Umm, Zayn, could I possibly go back home and pick up a few of my clothes?" I asked, feeling the cold wind when I opened the front door.

As if he used magic, my thick cardigan was in his hand, "Your foster mum packed your clothes while you were in hospital and we just put your coats and jackets on the pegs and your shoes on the rack. You've got a lot of shoes!"

"Oh. OK, let's go, I really want to give those boys a fright. But the thing is, we can only prank one of them for the plan to work. Who should we do?" I thought for a little while.

"Niall!" Zayn and I whispered in agreement.

As we strolled down the gravel pathway and headed out of the gates, I quickly tip-toed and held some water in my cupped hands. Quickly, so that the water wouldn't seep through the gaps, I chucked the water on to Zayn.

"Hey? What was that for?!" he screamed, grabbing even more water and attempting to flick it onto me. I dodged, so only a few flickers fell onto me! I rushed out of the gates and past the security guards. Luckily, this street seemed pretty deserted and not a lot of people lived here, so we would be able to go to the shops without fans screaming all over Zayn. Luckily, the paparazzi were nowhere to be seen.

"Zayn, can you text Louis, Harry and Liam our plan and tell them to go upstairs before we ring the bell? Tell them that you'll text them when we're about to come," I explained, thinking the plan out properly. 

"You know what, Zara?" Zayn quizzed, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and using his other hand to pick his phone out of his pocket, "You're a pretty smart kid." 

I giggled, "And you're a pretty great brother. Both pretty and great!"

His eyes suddenly turned watery, so I said, "Urgh, fine then, you're beautiful and brilliant!"

Zayn knew where we had to go; I wasn't familiar with these surroundings. The rest of the journey was silent and I noticed a few tears dropping onto his shirt.

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