Unusual Reality: Only Half A Blue Sky

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Unusual Reality: Only Half A Blue Sky

Zayn’s P.O.V

My palms were getting sweaty. It had been two weeks since the doctors announced the death of Zara.  I was sitting on the floor, leaning against my bed. Tears were flowing down my face and my breathing turned rapid. Frustrated, I ran my hands through my hair. I then picked up the object which lay beside me.

The blades of the scissors shone underneath the light, reflecting on the walls. I opened up the scissors and pulled up the sleeve of my thick jumper. I took a sharp breath and pressed the blade lightly against my wrist. Repeatedly, I adjusted my grip on the scissors, my hands shaking.

I couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t. 

I threw the scissors across the room and rubbed the part of my wrist where I was about to... cut myself. I couldn’t handle her death properly, so I turned to what Zara used to do. Self-harm. I had never done it before and I knew that Zara wouldn’t want me to start doing it now. I could tell that she hated doing it to herself and I didn’t want to be the person who would regret it in the future.

Everyone was asleep and as I was about to drift off into my own world, there was a quiet but rapid knock on my bedroom door. The door was opened by Zara, who looked extremely upset and as if she was going to cry any minute.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. I opened my arms as an invite and she approached me slowly.

“Zayn, I regret it so much!” she sobbed into my shoulder.

“What do you regret?” I asked, my hand on the back of her head.

“I regret it all!” she cried, soon turning silent. She must have had a nightmare. She quickly fell asleep in my arms so I picked her up and carried her off into her room.

Just as I lay her in her own bed, her eyes slightly flickered and she mumbled, “Don’t ever do it, Zayn.”

Now, I understood what she meant. But now, it was too late; she was gone.

“Zayn?” asked Liam, approaching me, concern and worry filling his eyes.

(A/N: This is a small part of the first chapter of the sequel to this fanfiction, 'Unusual Reality: Only Half A Blue Sky'. Since a lot of the comments were about not ending the story like this, I decided to put up a sequel so, if you want to know how One Direction, especially Zayn, are coping without Zara, then check that out! The part that is written here is only a snippet of the first chapter, so remember to read the rest of Chapter 1. Thank you for the endless support and motivation! Stay awesome! x)

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