Chapter 32 - I'm Not Going To Cut Anymore

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Zara's P.O.V

Although it was freezing and I only had a t-shirt, - I couldn't really grab my jacket before - I didn't let it get to me and kept my face buried in my hands. The boys did so much for me so far, and all I did was throw it back in their faces. They even asked Simon if they could have a month off performing so they could bond with me. Letting me stay with them is a big deal in itself. I don't know how I could repay them. 

I missed my foster mum a lot, and she was the main reason why the tears were flowing down my face, and I was worried that my foster dad wouldn't make it as well. I had to visit him soon. Maybe tomorrow, unless I'm grounded, but I'm pretty sure that they'd let me see him.

I wished and prayed with all my heart that my addiction of cutting would stop, for definite. Now, thinking about it, it seems quite pointless and the damage that I'm doing to myself in the process isn't worth it. It couldn't really heal how I felt, as I still feel the same way afterwards. Also, so many girls would die to be in my position right now, I mean, living with One Direction, and I'm just taking it for granted.

I should start getting back home; they're probably getting worried by now. 

Zayn's P.O.V

Although I told Liam our location so he could help Louis and I look for Zara, we still continued our search, but we didn't go too far ahead in case Liam got worried. Of course, I told Louis about the conversation and as much as I wanted to tell him that Liam and Harry had found Zara, I realised that it wasn't the truth.

"Why did she run?" Louis asked me, interrupting my thoughts.

"I really don't know. I noticed her scars, you came and she just ran," I explained.

"Oh. Zayn, I've thought about this while we're waiting and I think Zara cuts," Louis enquired.

"Why would she do it? She's only thirteen!" I immediately believed Louis' thought and realised that it was the only idea that actually made sense. Louis shrugged his shoulders in response and I leaned against the gate. I was so relieved that we didn't have to go to work for a month! Also, this area seemed very calm and relaxed - not a mob in sight!

Harry's P.O.V

We started to make our way to the park, Niall leading the way as he knew of a 'shortcut'. This 'shortcut' consisted of going through the park. 

As the darkness began to take over the starless sky, we made our way through the ghost park. I could tell that the park was old, as the roundabouts, swings and slides looked untouched and fragile. There was a bench, right at the edge of the park, and sitting on it, a figure. The figure was bent over and seemed quite young.

"Liam, is that Zara?" I nudged Liam. Immediately, Niall's head shot up from his gaze on the floor towards the person ahead of us.

Slowly, Liam nodded his head, "Yeah, I-I think so." This was the first time that Liam seemed lost for words. Before Niall could say anything, Liam placed his hand over Niall's mouth, making sure that no words could escape. Niall lifted an eyebrow and gave a questioning look.

"We don't want to give her the signal to run," Liam whispered. Niall nodded his head and Liam released his hand.

Liam taking the lead, we walked up to Zara, who seemed to be crying. I think she realised our presence, as she quickly wiped away her tears and slowly looked up at us. Guilt was shining in her eyes and she legged it. Luckily, Liam managed to grab her arm before she could run away too far.

I slipped off my jacket and handed it over to her; I was wearing a blazer and a t-shirt underneath so I was alright. She nodded her head and smiled at me, and I assumed that it meant that she thanked me. Liam let go of her arm for the short amount of time that it took her to wear my jacket but then immediately took it in his grasp again. Liam bent down, one knee on the ground and both hands on Zara's shoulders.

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