Chapter 20 - Damn, I Messed Up

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Niall's P.O.V

As soon as I saw the two people in the monkey masks fall about laughing, I felt relieved, but, at the same time, I was seeking revenge. As quickly and discreetly as I could, I untied the rope around my wrists, then the one tying me to the chair and the rope that tied my feet together was loose anyway. With a jump out of my chair, I knew that the siblings knew I would chase them. 

Zayn was going to get his payback later on; my first victim was Zara. However, this was pretty difficult, seeing as she was following Zayn. I chased them out into the garden, where the swimming pool was glistening. I saw Zayn precariously running around the pool, as he was afraid of the water. I could push Zara in there instead...

I heard screeches of laughter behind me, and I turned around to see Harry, Louis and Liam laughing. As Zara neared the pool, I pushed her in, chuckling as I did so. I heard footsteps running over to me, and hands clutching my shoulders. I could feel their breaths on the back of my neck, knowing that they were trying to calm down from the laughter.

Zara's P.O.V

Following in Zayn's footsteps, I rushed out of the French windows, which led to the garden... which had a swimming pool taking up the majority of the space. I was a bit frightened at first, but when I heard that Niall was running after us, my fear started to fade.

It was only when I was pushed into the pool that my fear came swimming back to me. Although the water was stinging my eyes, I forced them open to signal to the boys to help me. Bad mistake. They were all pointing and laughing, no attempt to save me. My arms and legs were so tired from flailing them around that I just sunk to the bottom, which was pretty deep. I tried to hold my breath, but, as I mentioned before, I was rubbish at doing that.

Niall's P.O.V

After about thirty seconds of Zara staying at the bottom of the pool, we all stared at each other, wondering why she hadn't come out of the water yet. My memory eventually hit me.

"And what do you dislike?" Louis asked, and we all hoped that it would be something that Zayn wasn't very fond of either.

"I HATE the sea and swimming pools," she replied, her soft whisper, turning more confident. We all laughed while her and Ibrahim looked at us like we were freaks.

"Why are you guys laughing?" Ibrahim asked.

"Because Zara and I have so much in common. I hate the sea and swimming pools too!" Zayn chuckled, softly punching Zara's shoulder.

Damn, I had messed up. How could I have not remembered that Zara was afraid of the water, even worse, how could I forget what Chloe had done to her? I suddenly stopped laughing and kicked my shoes off, whilst I slipped my t-shirt off. Without hesitation, I dived into the water, grabbing Zara. Kicking my legs as hard as I could, I swam to the top of the pool and lay her on the edge, while I pulled myself out of the water. I then realised how cold the water was, and that Zara could be dangerously ill to have stayed there for a long time.

Zayn, Harry and Louis rushed over to her, meanwhile, Liam went back inside to get something. Zayn carried her and lay her on the nearby bench, while Harry cleared her airways and Louis checked her pulse and temperature. We all stared at Louis hopefully.

"She's breathing, but she's got a temperature. We should take her inside," Louis stated. Liam came back, a huge, fluffy towel in his grip. As Zayn held the other side of the towel, they wrapped Zara in the towel and Zayn carried her into the living room. 

Inside, I couldn't bear the sight of what I had done to Zara. I left the living room to enter my bedroom. I threw on my shirt and I climbed onto my bed, my back facing the door, and I locked my face into my palms. I sobbed and sobbed, guilt taking over me. As I was sobbing, I realised a warm hand touched my back. I released my face from my hands and turned to my left, to find Liam. He placed his arm around my shoulder and insisted that Zara was going to get better.

"Are you alright?" Liam asked, not knowing how to break the awkward silence. 

I shook my head before I sobbed even more.

"Look, Zara's going to be taken into hospital, but she seems to be fine now. Do you want to see her?" he asked, thoughtfully, letting my head rest onto his shoulder. However, I wouldn't have been able to be in the same room as her, knowing that it was my fault she was going to be in the hospital. What if she had caught pneumonia?

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