Chapter 36 - The Gun

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Liam's P.O.V

Although it was really dark outside, I could see a slight hint of the sky turning into a deep purple, which indicated that the sun was rising. I didn't realise how late it had become! 

"We'll turn back once we reach the park, OK?" Harry gave a quiet yawn which suggested that he was getting tired. I wasn't too tired, as I had a lot of sleep.

"OK," Zara replied, nodding her head as well. As Zara, Louis, Niall and Zayn walked ahead, Harry decided to start the conversation off.

"Are we going to go to the funeral?" he asked, wearily.

"Well, I don't really know, to be honest. I mean, I really wanted to go, but I don't want some type of commotion to start, you know, between Ibrahim and us. But, it would be respectful to go as well," I explained, nervously.

"Yeah, I don't want some big fight to happen on a memorial day," Harry agreed, running his fingers through his hair. 

"But Zara's lived with her for ten years..." I trailed off.

"True," Harry ended the conversation there and I knew not to say anything else. We continued to walk and made little conversation with each other.

Louis' P.O.V

"Want anything special for your birthday? It is in a few months," I asked, to both Niall and Zara. Niall was going to be twenty and I think I already had a pretty good surprise for him.

"Not really. Putting up with me is enough," Zara smiled at us.

"Zara! We like having you in our house. So, tell us, what do you two want for your birthday?" Zayn quizzed.

"Wait!" Niall exclaimed, putting his arms out in front of all of us, blocking our path, "Our birthday is on a Friday! Friday the thirteenth!" 

"Haha! That means that this year is going to be unlucky for y-" I immediately stopped once I realised that this was also pointed at Zara. Her eyes trailed the floor.

"I didn't mean it like that!" I corrected myself.

"Yeah, it already has been; I found out that I was adopted, my foster mum's dead, foster dad's got cancer, foster brother hates me and I got into a fight twice in one week," Zara stated, sadly. Sometimes, I say things but in the worst way, unintended, of course.

"Zara, he didn't mean it in that way," Zayn comforted, "He just meant that your birthdays are on Friday the thirteenth, which is unlucky. It's not actually true." Zara nodded her head and Niall gave her a sympathetic look.

"Louis says things, when he means the opposite, like when he says he's smart," Niall added, cheekily, causing Zara to laugh.

"No, that's true!" I defended myself.

"Mate, it really isn't!" Zayn teased... I think.

"Don't worry, I understand," Zara sighed, "Is that Ibrahim?!" She rushed over to a figure which stood right outside the park, while we followed. 

Zara's P.O.V

I stared straight ahead and saw... Ibrahim! He was stood outside the park and although he hated me, I still wanted to talk to him. To fix things between us.

"Is that Ibrahim?!" I exclaimed, running over to him. When he had eye contact with me, he pulled something from his jacket and pointed it towards me. I immediately stopped running, my eyes wide with fear. He had a gun. A real gun. I could definitely differentiate a toy gun to a real one. His finger on the trigger, he held the gun in front of him.

I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I didn't turn around to look at who it was. I was too scared. 

"Zara, is that a real gun?" asked a raspy voice, which belonged to Harry. I nodded my head, my hair brushing against his shirt. Zayn took hold of my hand and squeezed it gently.

"Ibrahim, what are you doing?!" I exclaimed, unaware that this could get me shot.

"Zara, shush!" whispered Zayn.

"You ruined everything! Why couldn't my parents foster anyone who wasn't you?" he spat, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks, "You should have burned in that fire, not them! And now, with your new brother, you just forget about them!" He pointed the gun towards Zayn! As he pulled the trigger, I got out of Harry's grasp and ran to push Zayn out of the way. 

A sharp and agonising pain went through my body. A pain that I had never felt before. A pain that I wouldn't even wish Chloe to be in.

Harry's P.O.V

As soon as the gun was pointed towards Zayn, Zara ducked to get out of my grip, and ran to push Zayn, taking the bullet. Zayn stumbled but no bullets went through him. Niall broke Zara's fall, while Ibrahim just stood still, shocked of what he had just done.

I was going to chase him and beat the living daylights out of him, but after a couple of meters, Liam held me back. Ibrahim sprinted off, dropping the gun on the way. I rushed to Zara, tears streaming down my face. Why would Ibrahim do that? Anger boiled inside me as I dialled '999'.

"Hello, you have called the police. How may I help you?" recited a woman.

"Ambulance," I simply said.


"Girl's been shot."


"27 Fleetmore Road." 

"OK, we will be there soon."

"Hurry, please."

Zayn's P.O.V

As I fell to the floor, I saw my little sister fall too. Niall caught her before she made contact with the floor. I leaped up from the floor and ran to her, tears pouring out of all of our eyes. I sat down on the floor, with her in my arms. I saw the bullet had gone in pretty deep. Blood was soaking into her clothes.

"Zara, please," I cried.

"Zayn," she croaked.

"Please, don't go. Remember, we're going to watch '30 Minutes Or Less'?" I reminded, forcing a smile.

She laughed a bit, "Yeah. I'll try, Zayn. It hurts a lot, Zayn. Make it stop." 

"I know, I know. The ambulance are on their way," I cried. Louis squeezed my shoulders in comfort. A few splashes fell onto my head. Niall sat next to me and was holding onto her hand.

About ten minutes later, the ambulance finally arrived, and immediately took Zara. I went into the ambulance with her. At this point, she wanted some rest but promised that she would wake up soon. 

(A/N: Zara! Do you think she's going to die? Thanks for the 4,438 reads, 288 votes and 173 comments! This fanfiction is almost coming to an end :'( . I just wanted to say Happy Birthday Niall and Liam [yeah, I know it's late])

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