Chapter 31 - Joe

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Zara's P.O.V

As soon as Louis and Zayn weren't looking at me, I made a run for it. I just ran out of the house and I kept on running, without a clear plan in my head. Somehow, I finally reached a destination... Joe's house. I ran because I had the chance to. I didn't know that my feet would lead me to Joe's house; it was just fate.

I felt so guilty for being in the boys' ways and making their lives so difficult and complicated. I mean, I need someone to talk to about my problems with Chloe and with life in general. I think Joe would be the perfect person, and seeing as he helped me a lot, maybe I could tell him about Zayn Malik's little sister.

I knocked on the door a couple of times before I was greeted with a warm smile by Joe.

"Oh, hi Zara," he welcomed, showing me the way into his house, "My parents just went out for dinner. It's just me and my older brother here." Someone jumped down the stairs, literally, and didn't realise my presence.

"Who was at the do-" Joe's brother turned to me, "Oh, hi. You are..." 

"Sorry, I'm Zara. I'm sorry I came in like this but I really need to speak to Joe... on a science project that we are doing together. Sorry," I introduced myself.

"Enough with the sorries! Don't worry, it's cool! I'm Harry, no, not the one from One Direction, because I'm much better looking," he laughed. Oh, if only he knew!

"I'm just going to be upstairs. If you need anything just shout," Harry smiled and with that, he jumped, again, literally, up the stairs.

"So, what brings you here?" Joe asked, taking the seat next to me.

"I wanted to thank you for literally saving my life," I smiled.

Joe smiled back and replied, "It was nothing. I mean, that Chloe's an idiot. Anyway, I don't think you came all the way here just to thank me!"

"I... I have a secret," I started.

"Go on..." he waited patiently.

"Before I do, promise me that you won't treat me differently because of it and you won't tell anybody else," I warned.

"I promise. Can I tell Harry though?" he asked.

"Yeah, you can tell Harry. But no-one else. The thing is - you see... I'm Zayn Malik's sister," I stared at my feet, nervous to see his reaction. 

"No you're not!" he laughed, "Brilliant prank though! For a minute, I almost believed you!"

I lifted my head and stared straight into his eyes, "This is no prank. It's true."

"Is it?" 

"Yeah, and, I'm living with him and the boys at the moment." 

"Really? That's so cool! But if he's your brother, doesn't that mean that Ibrahim isn't?"

"Yeah, Ibrahim's my foster brother. On the topic of foster families, my foster mum died and my foster dad's got cancer..." I felt the warmth of Joe's hand rubbing my back and I realised that I was crying.

I quickly wiped my tears away, "I'm sorry, J-"

"Don't be. I know what it's like. My little sister died in a bus accident a couple of years ago," Joe held back his tears bravely and stared into the distance.

"I know exactly how you feel. Even though they're not my real parents, I still love them."

Joe got up and got a few pieces of tissue and a glass of water. Gratefully, I drank the water and wiped the tears away.

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