Chapter 2 - Lucy

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*Lucy's POV*

I felt the eyes on me as I walked through the halls with my best friend for almost 11 years, Abby. Not because people didn't like me, they were just jealous. I may sound as a complete bitch now, but I'm not. I just happens to be popular. Not that I don't understand, I mean, I am good looking. Long blond hair, shiny blue eyes, fit structure, the perfect high for a girl… I could go on for hours, but then I would just sound selfish, which I'm not. And people don't just like me because of my look, I'm a pretty funny girl. And kind. I like other people. Or you know, decent people. My parents are, like, really rich, so they've raised me to act like a lady, which means I don't just talk to everybody. Like the nerds for an example, I don't talk to them, ew. I hang out with my girls and the jocks, just like I'm supposed to do. That's just how it works.

"Lucy? You there?" Abby asked and tugged at the one of my arms she was holding onto.

"Uh, yeah"

"Okay great! I was thinking that maybe we could go shopping after school and then head over to yours? You wouldn't mind, would you?" she asked in a rush.

"Not at all" I smiled and went back to my thinking. I love Abby, I really do, she's the best friend a girl could ask for, but sometimes she just talks so much. And it's always about the same things. Boys, shopping, parties, clothes, make-up, boys, boys, boys… It would be nice to have a proper conversation with someone from time to time. But our parents are good friends and my dad thinks it a good idea that I hang out with her, so I do. And not that I bother. Like I've already said, she's my best friend. Always has been, always will be.

"Hey Lucy" Nick, one of the jocks said.

"Hi" I smiled. We kissed a bit at a party and now he's following me everywhere. One of the drawbacks by being popular is that I've got some followers. Like stalkers, just less  scary.

"Soo… You up for anything tonight?" he asked with a smirk. God. I'm going to puke. Who does he think he is? Just because we kissed doesn't mean that we're going out.

"Yes. I'm busy. Sorry" I responded coldly and walked towards the classroom with Abby in tow.

"Why did you just turn him down? He's hot!!" Abby whisper shouted.

"He's all yours" I mumbled and focused my gaze on one of the boys from my English class. A poor boy. Kind of a bad boy. He looks good despite his social rank, I guess. Not that I care. He always ditches, probably because he's too dumb to actually fight for his education. Pff, loser.

Abby and I were some of the first in the classroom so we just sat at out usually seats in the middle and talked a bit about a party coming up.

"Mh, I don't really know Abby"

"Come on Lubbi, it'll be fun!" she cheered and I couldn't fight the smile on my lips. She's too cute for her own good.

"Yeah but isn't it at Justin's house?" I asked "He's not really on our level"

"No but he's getting there and almost the whole school will be there, which means that we won't be the only wealthy people there and I reaaaaally need to party this weekend"

"Okay, okay" I chuckled "Fine! I'll go"

"Thank you so so so much Lubbi! You're the best" she cheered and kissed my cheek before I was pulled into a hug.


4 hours later I was finally alone in my room. Abby had gone home to eat, I think, and I just enjoyed the silence for a bit before I needed to focus on my homework for tomorrow. I let myself fall onto the bed and pulled the pink sleeve of my shirt up to the elbow, looking at the small tattoo.

"My Lily" I whispered and carefully kissed the small lily tattoo on my waist. I got it two years ago just after the accident and I've kissed it each day since. I miss her like crazy. Sometimes it even feels like it's driving me crazy, but I know better than loosing it. I'm a smart girl. And even though I don't really show my emotions in school, I am pretty deep. Actually I almost don't show the real me in school. Just a rich popular girl who seems to have the best life. But they know nothing.

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