Chapter 30

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*Lucy's POV*


I raised my eyes from where they had been on the floor and looked at the direction Zayn was facing. Sure enough there sat a man at the couch, dark hair, grey pants and a black dress shirt. He looked nice.

"What are you doing here?" Zayn spat and tightened the hold he had on my hand.

"He's living here, Zayn" his mom spoke up and carefully placed a hand on his shoulder.

"What?! Why? He left us!" Zayn looked at his mom with disbelief, a hand gestured to his dad.

I began feeling slightly uncomfortable since this was quite private and I felt like I shouldn't be here. This was between Zayn, his mom and his dad and to be honest, the only reason I hadn't left yet was because I knew Zayn needed me here.

"You left me too, remember?" she said with a small voice, eyes begging for Zayn to accept the things as it was now.

"Yeah but... you... I..." he trailed off and let his free hand cover his eyes for a brief moment.

"He has changed"

"I don't care! He ignored you, he ignored me! He didn't care about us and he left without a word"

"I had no idea what to do Zayn, your mom wouldn't let me in, I thought the best thing to do was leave her alone, give her some space" his dad spoke for the first time.

"You had no idea what to do?" Zayn's face was twisted in anger "Do you think I had? You left a young boy with his mother who couldn't take care of him"

"You did the same thing"

"Because I was a kid!"

Tears had gathered in Zayn's eyes and I felt so bad for him. Thinking that we had been so happy together only a few hours ago was almost unbelievable. I hated to see him like this, he deserved to be happy after what he's been through.

"Zayn" I said quietly "Let's go outside for a minute"

He nodded and I pulled him with me outside the house and sat down on the lawn. He looked at me for a couple of seconds before he sat down beside me and rested his head against his knees. My hand found its way to the back of his neck and made smoothing circles to calm him down.

"You said 'I love you' to me for the first time today" I mumbled and scooted closer to him.

He let his arm rest on my shoulders and looked a bit shy at me, but with a wry smile "Yeah"


"What for?" he asked and let his lips brush my forehead.

I was quiet for a bit, trying to find the right words to say "Being different form everybody else. Accepting me for me. Telling me your deepest secrets. The list is long, Zaynie"

"Of course, you're my princess" he smirked and kissed all over my face.

I laughed and pushed his face away from mine, but kept my hands on his cheeks "Your parents love you. Both of them"

His smile fell by the mention of them and he tried turning his head away from me "Listen Zayn" I said and kissed his lips, keeping our noses together "I know that what your dad did was unforgivable, but he came back and it looks like he's taking good care of your mom. I'm not telling you to forgive him, I'm just asking you to give him a change to make it up to you. If not for them, then for me. I wanna see you truly happy"

He looked me in the eyes for what felt like hours before he let out a sigh and nodded once "Fine"

"I love you" I whispered against his lips.

"Love you too, Lu"

We kissed sweetly until someone coughed behind us. I looked up to see Zayn's dad looking shyly at us "Can I talk to Zayn?"

I let my fingers linger on Zayn's cheek while whispering "Be good" to him. I stood up and gave his dad a quick smile "I'll leave you two to it then"

"Thanks" his dad nodded and walked to Zayn where he sat down beside him. I winked at Zayn causing him to chuckle and went inside to sit on the couch.

"You've changed him" his mom suddenly said from the door to the living room "In a good way of course" she smiled "He'd become so... closed up, cold... all because of me"

"It wasn't your fault, you lost something close to your heart" I said softly and patted the seat beside me.

"Yes, but I should have focused on Zayn instead. He needed me" she said with a sad voice after she'd sat down.

I took her hand and let my thumb slide over her knuckles, smiling over how much Zayn had changed me "He's fine now, I promise. And he'll come around, he just needs some time"

She smiled warmly at me and squeezed my hand "Thank you. I hope Zayn treats you like a princess"

I smiled big at what she just said, because she couldn't be more correct in her choice of words "He does"

"So how did you meet?" she asked excited.

I told her about how we'd meet by doing a school project together, from how we hated each other's guts in the beginning to staying together even though my parents forbid me to see him. After that I told her about my life, my parents and even Lily and in return she told me some memories of Zayn and his sister.

His mom was a sweet lady, pretty too, and she kinda reminded me of one of the maids in our house. She was in the middle of telling about how Zayn and Safaa when the front door opened and the two men came into the living room.

"Lucy we need to go, Leon just called on your phone and told me your parents will be home in three hours"

His mom looked at me with sympathy while I quickly stood up, knowing that the ride would take almost three hours. "I can drive home myself if you wanna stay it's cool"

"No it's fine. I'll come visit later" he said and smiled at his dad.

His mom stood up from the couch too and hugged both me and Zayn before we took off.


We was sitting in Harry's car outside my house, both knowing that it might be a while before we could see each other again.

"I should get going" Zayn said with a small smile "Don't wanna upset your parents"

"Yeah" I mumbled and looked down at my lap "I'll miss you"

"I'll miss you too, gorgeous"

He leaned in and captured my lips with his while letting his hands run through my hair once.

I opened the car door and stepped outside, noticing Leon looking at us in the windo, I gave him a small wave and looked back at Zayn "I'll see you in school"

He laughed halfheartly and nodded "Yeah, see you in school" and with that he drove off, probably to return the car to Harry.

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