Chapter 13

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*Zayn's POV*

I knew her secret. She had trusted me and told me about the greatest secret of her life. I couldn't believe it. I had never in my wildest dreams thought that she would tell me. But she did. And for some reason we had ended up intertwining our fingers. I don't know who took the other's hand, it just happened. It felt great. Or... I mean... Ehm... Shit.

I really wanted to sleep with Lucy in the bed, be close to her, make her feel safe. But I guessed that she probably just wanted to be alone. After all we had just been sharing a very intimate moment, with her telling me her secret. It broke my heart so badly that she blamed herself. It could never be her fault...

The next morning I woke up early as I'm used to, but instead of going for a run, I went to buy breakfast. When I came home Lucy was still in her sleep, so I prepared the food and arranged it on a tray. I carried it to my bedroom where she slept. Her hair was spread on the pillow and her chest rose and fell as she breathed slowly. I just stood in the door and looked at her. She was amazingly beautiful. I don't know how long I stood there but suddenly she moved in the bed.  

"Is that tea I can smell?" her voice sounded sleepy.  

"Wha- oh yeah!" I mumbled and made my way to the bed after getting out of my trance.  

"Oh my god Zayn, this is amazing! Did you cook all this?" Lucy asked after she saw the food.  

"Well... No. I bought it in the city." I smiled at her and let my hand run through my hair. 

"And I thought that since a princess is sleeping in my bed, I should bring her some proper breakfast" I added and smirked at her.  

"Aaaaw,you are the sweetest aren't you?" She laughed and playfully slapped my shoulder.

Then we ate the food, talked, laughed and I felt that weird feeling in my stomach again. It was like butterflies having sex in my belly - sounds weird but it's the only way toy can explain it.  

"Thank you for this lovely meal Zaynie, do you mind if I take a shower?" Lucy asked and got up from the bed.  

"Your very welcome and the bathroom is just beside the kitchen" I answered her and pointed the direction. Then she walked out and left me. Zaynie, she had called me Zaynie. Only one person had called me Zaynie before. My mum. I quickly pushed the memory away, didn't wanted to think about it. Maybe I should tell Lucy about it? No, it was a horrible memory that only would haunt me if I spoke about it.  

I started to clean up after the breakfast, and when I was standing in the kitchen, washing the dishes I heard Lucy sing in the shower. She was singing some pop-boyband-ish song about love. I giggled as she shouted something like "let me kiss you". I would have to teach her about real music. I kept cleaning the dishes for a little while, but then I suddenly felt a need to play.  

I dropped the plate I was washing, into the sink filled with soapwater. Then I went into the livingroom to pick up my guitar. I sat down on the couch and started to play a song that I had written. It was about love just like the one Lucy was singing, but not like that silly bubblegum-teenagelove. It was about real love. It was called "Don't Let Me Go" because I had been left and betrayed a thousand times by people I thought I could trust. 

I sat there and played and sang as Lucy came out of the shower. She froze as she saw me on the couch. She had a towel wrapped around her and her hair was wet. Her bare feet silently walked across the floor and then she sat down in the chair across me at the other side of the coffeetable. I continued playing and silently singing the lyrics I had worked on.  

"Don't let me go 'cause I'm tired of sleeping alone"  

I finished the song in a high tone and held it for a while. 

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