Chapter 10

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*Lucy's POV*

There were so many thoughts swirling around in my head. Zayn. School. Abby. My parents. My sister. The cheerleader from the party. The creepy guy. My popularity. My friends. I think I'm seriously gonna explode if I don't get some distraction.

It's Sunday evening and my mom just arrived. She said hi to me and went to bed... Nice talking to you too, mom.

I went to bed too, hoping just to fall asleep but my brain seemed to have other plans, most of them including thinking about Zayn. God dammit Zayn. Why the fuck did we have to write that project together? If that never happened none of this mess would be here. I would still be my normal closed up me and people wouldn't think I slept with every guy in school. I know I probably shouldn't give a damn about what people think about me now when someone finally seems to care about the real me, but it's pretty hard when I'm used to only care about that.  Fuck I don't know what to think about Zayn. I mean, it was pretty sweet of him to follow me home and asking about my life, but as soon as we got here and I had asked him to stay he turned into his normal self again and he left. But then he sent that message and made me even more confused. What is it even supposed to mean? I will protect you, my ass. Protect me from what? The fact that people are gonna look at me with disgust because they think I slept with him? Or that guy? Myself? What the hell did he mean?

If he just could leave my brain alone for a moment so I can cry about going to school tomorrow, which I was dreading. There was no other way to say it. Fuck fuck fuck.

I'd talked to Abby today and she had already heard the rumors, but of course she didn't believed them, she knows I've never been with a guy and besides that she knows the real me.

I need to talk to her again.

I found my phone from under my pillow and saw an answer from Zayn. I had asked him what he meant three hours ago and he had finally written back. A bit excited to see his reply I let my finger linger over the button before I opened the text.


What? Was that his only respond?

I suddenly felt a strong urge to cry and quickly dialed Abby's number.

"Hey sweetie" she said after the second ring.

"I can't go to school tomorrow"

"Lubbi, you're a strong girl, fuck them"

"I know, but..."

"And you have me" she reminded me for the third time today.

"You won't leave my side even if everybody treats me like I'm a poor kid or something?"

"No of course not, you're my best friend, remember?"

"Yeah. Thanks Abs" I said with a smile. At least I would always have her.

"Tell me about Zayn" she suddenly squealed.

"Um... What do you mean?"

"C'mon, I know you Lucy"

I sighed to cover up the big smile on my face, knowing well that she couldn't see me anyways "He's... Not like everybody else"

"No I figured that out since you're talking to him" Abby laughed quietly.

"Do you think I'm too judging?"

"No Lucy-"

"Honestly" I cut her off, knowing she would say whatever she thought I wanted to hear to make me happy.

"Well... You can be a bit, um, quickly to judge some people. Like Zayn"

I was quiet for a while, thinking about what Abby had confirmed for me.

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