Chapter 14

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*Lucy's POV*

I sat dumb folded on Zayn's couch trying to progress what had just happened. Obviously he didn't wanted to kiss me, which hurt more than I had expected. I buried my head in my hands and sighed deeply.

"Why did you think that someone actually cared?" I asked myself with a pathetic voice. Why did I intertwine our hands again? He only did it to me because he felt pity for me, because I was bloody crying and being all clingy. Ugh, I'm so stupid.

I sighed once more before I stood up and put my shoes on. Might as well go home before he gets back, see that would be awkward. I put on my coat and slowly made my way out of his flat which I found very cozy. Guess it was the first and last time I got to be here. Sigh. Again. 

As I walked on the pavement I considered to call Leon to pick me up, but hearing someone yell in the distance made me put my phone back in my pocket and walk towards the voices. Normally when I hear something like that I turn around faster than you can say 'mashed potatoes', but something told me to go see what was happening. 

"HEY! Stay here when I'm fucking talking to you!" someone shouted, sounding suspicious much like Justin. Oh God no, which poor kid are he now getting it at? Why does he always have to beat up younger kids? I mean, isn't it enough to bully people at school? It's like it's a hobby for the guy. I shuddered thinking about me and him kissing, it was awful, he was rough and the only thing I felt was his tongue almost choking me.

I began walking faster, knowing that Justin could easily lose his mind and almost kill the person who had pissed him off.

As I turned around another corner I could now confirm that it indeed was Justin and one of his friends, I couldn't see the other bloke though and I had no idea who it was before I heard him talk.

"Don't. Talk about her. Like that" Zayn's voice rang in my ears. Who? Me?

"I don't think you're the person to decide that. And I don't think you're the person to tell me what to do!" Justin shouted and pushed Zayn back "She is a fucking whore, okay!"

Okay, yes, it was me they were talking about. Who else could it be? I was known as the slut of the school since that party.

I could now see Zayn and what I saw scared me a bit, his eyes were dark and he looked really pissed, like he was ready to kill. Before I could do or say something Zayn punched Justin in the face and soon both boys were over him. I stood frozen while they kicked him in the stomach, my brain screaming at me to do something and when I finally found the courage to move I ran over to them, screaming at them to stop. We were in a small ally so nobody was watching and since most people either were on work or at school there wasn't a big chance for someone to hear.

I pushed Justin aside while sobbing at him to stop.

"Let's go Jake, they're not worth it" Justin laughed and they ran away.

I quickly sat down beside Zayn hand placed his head in my lap "Zayn?" I said, my voice thick from trying to hold in my sobs "Zayn can you hear me?"

His eyes closed and in panic I grabbed his phone from his pocked and tried to find someone to call. I remembered him talking about Harry and with trembling hands I found his number and called him.

"Yeah ello mate" a slow, deep voice answered.

"Harry?" I asked.

"Ehm, yeah. Who is this?"

"It's uh, it's Lucy"

"Oh, hey"

"Harry I need you to come help me. Justin b-beat him up, he passed out and I don't know what to do, please help me" I sobbed into the phone, now letting my tears fall again.

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