Chapter 37

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*Zayn's POV*

As I jumped out of the taxi and gave the driver all my last money, I scouted to Lucy’s window. The light was on, she was there and she was awake.

“LUCY!” I shouted as I quickly ran up the stairs to the big door. Just when I was about to reach for the doorknob, Lucy’s dad opened the door.

“What are you doing here Zayn?” He asked me coldly, looking me directly into the eye.

“I need to speak to Lucy!” I quickly said and tried to get by the man in my way.

“I don’t think so.” Mr Williams said when he putted his hand on my chest pushing me back to where I stood before.

“You don’t understand. I need. To talk. To Lucy! Let me the fuck in!” My temper was short and my voice had rose to a quite intimidating tone.

“Listen Zayn… I won’t let you in. Ever again. I trusted you, but tonight you proved me, that even I can make mistakes. Get away from here before I call the police. And don’t you ever show up here again or come near my daughter.” He said, still with a low voice, but you could easily tell that he was almost as angry as I was.

“Alright, get outta my way old man, I got something that I have to do.” I said and tried to get pass him again, but this time he pushed me quite violent. And then – then I punched him. My fist had been clenched for the last five minutes, and the punch had been waiting to come out. I hit him right between the eyes, which made him stumble backwards before he fell to the floor. It was a punch Harry and me had been practising. It isn’t like it hurts or gives you any injuries. It just makes you unconscious for an amount of time.

With my father in law out of the way I ran up the stairs, taking three steps at a time until I came to Lucy’s door.

“LUCY!” I shouted, my hands on the door, my head down listening for an answer.

“GO AWAY!” I heard Lucy cry and I could feel my heart being torn to millions of pieces, which felled to the ground and crashed into even tinier bits.

“Lucy…” I said again, this time almost choked by the tears.

“Please go away Zayn…” She said, and I could hear that she was crying even more. I felt the tears starting streaming down my cheeks again.

“Lucy I wanna explain… It’s not… It’s…” My voice broke and instead, the sound of my crying filled the air. “I love you Lucy.. Please let me in… I love you so much; please don’t-“ I had to stop to wipe my eyes. “Please don’t leave me”

There was no answer. I couldn’t hear her sobs anymore. Panic filled my body and I knocked the door, trying to make Lucy react.

Slowly I opened the door but couldn’t find Lucy anywhere.

“Lucy?” I called out and listened for an answer. Instead of that, I heard some short breaths, like someone was hyperventilating. I ran to where the sound came from, and found Lucy sitting with her back against her bed and her knees to her chest. Her eyes were big and they just stared out in the air. Her chest was falling and rising way too fast, and I instantly knew that she was having an attack of panic. Because of me. I was the reason she was having an attack. I swear I could’ve killed myself.

I got down on my knees, carefully putting my hands on Lucy’s shoulders, trying to get eyecontact with her.

“Lucy? Lucy can you hear me?” I asked her, but instead of answering she just swayed her body back and forth, still not focusing on me even though I was right in front of her.

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