Chapter 28

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*Lucy's POV*

The only thing that went through my mind as Zayn became quiet was that his parents were alive. He could go find them if he wanted. He could find his mother and maybe live with her, rebuild whatever relationship they had together. I don't know why I had got the impression that both of them were dead, it was just the way he talked about them, like they were completely past and he didn't wanted anything to do with them, and I guess that's why I didn't say anything else than sweet nothings and scooting words to make him feel better.

He didn't cry this time though. How am I supposed to feel about that? It's not that I like to see him cry or anything, I just don't like it when he keeps all his feelings bolted up inside, I'm afraid he'll break at some point. He's already been through so much.

"Don't... don't hide your feelings like that Zaynie"

Instead of answering me he rubbed his stubbled chin against my neck, causing me to shiver. I like it when he let his stubbles grow out. I really like it.

"Have I ever told you that I like my bad boys with stubbles?" I said out of breath. How could he turn me on so fast? The only thing he did was touching my neck with his chin, not the most exciting thing in the world.

"You have now" he chuckled against the skin right under my ear.

"Shit Zayn, stop that"

"What?" he asked innocently and let his teeth dig softly into my earlobe.

"That" I said and fisted his shirt with my right hand, pulling him closer to me, trying to find his lips with my own.

"Oh no, not here princess" he said as he pulled away from my grip.

"Then let's go"

"What?" he looked confused at me.

I leaned closer to his ear while taking his hand, ready to pull him out of our seat "I want you"

His eyes widened but he followed me up to the counter where I paid Matt for our food and got out of the café, getting a cab. I told the driver Zayn's address, afraid that Leon would interrupt again if we went to mine.

I kept our hands intertwined in the cab, sitting as close to Zayn as possible and letting my free hand run up and down his inner tight as he sucked lightly on my neck. I let out a small moan causing the driver to look back at us and as soon as he saw what we were doing he stamped on the break and yelled "Not in here young people!"

I had to hide a laugh as Zayn just sucked harder on my neck, probably leaving yet another hickey. When we pulled up outside Zayn's flat the driver began yelling at us again and we both rushed laughing outside where I jumped onto Zayn's back and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck.

"Where to princess?" he asked and turned his head around to place a wet kiss on my lips.

"To the prince's bedroom" I giggled and slapped his bum.

We finally made our way upstairs, Zayn turning his head to get a sloppy kiss all the time, me licking or biting his ear whenever his lips weren't on mine.

"Could you get the key from my back pocket?" he asked breathless. I did as he asked and I might have squeezed his bum in the process, making him jump a bit, who knows?

He got the door unlocked and we stumbled inside, slamming the door and I somehow managed to climb around Zayn so I now was placed on his hips, my nose pressed against his. He carried me the rest of the way into his bedroom, threw me on the bed before pulling his black t-shirt off and climbing on top of me, letting our lips connect again.

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