Chapter 5

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*Zayn's POV*

This Lucygirl was kinda funny. One second she was gazing at my face and my tattoes and the next she was telling me how disgusting they were and couldn't even look me in the eyes. I normally knew how to handle chiks like her, but she was different. It was like she was hiding something, but i was the only one who could see it. How could her friends not see it? I mean, she was surrounding by people all the time. But I guess they only saw her pretty face and her long legs. If it was like that to have friends, I were fine on my own! .... With Harry.

As I walked out of school, after the last lesson (Yes I stayed in school for all my lessons!), I were wondering if my curlyhaired friend was still in my flat were I lefted him. I wanted to tell him about Lucy. As I entered my flat I smelled food. How could this be possible? There had never been cooked in my kitchen before... I took a look into the kitchen and saw Harry.

"What's going on Haz?" I asked him and looked around my kitchen.

"Well, I went shopping. I was starving! And now I'm making lunch..." He said while his back was still fronting me. He was frying something on a pan. I walked over to take a look on the meal he was preparing.

"Ew, what IS that?" I asked and made a face.

"Relax Z, it tastes like heaven, trust me" Harry said and pushed me out of the kitchen.

"Well it looks like hell" I teased him "By the way, there's something I need to tell you!"

"What is it?" Harry asked and came over with two plates of the "food" he had made. We sat down in the couch and I started to tell him about Lucy. He just listened untill I was done with my talking. I was very careful about not sounding like I was completely in to her. Becaue I wasn't. Well, I think I wasn't...

"So you're gonna go to this rich girl's house tomorrow?" He said, raising his eyebrows  

"Well, yeah. If I'm going, I don't know if I am. I mean, it's just school..." But I knew I was going. I wanted to know her secret, and take a closer look at her. 

"Shut up, of course you are!" Harry laughed and punhed me on the shoulder "She sounds like a total catch! A nice little blondie for Zaynie" He laughed at me. I punched him in the stomach and then went to put on some music. 


The next day was saturday. I went on my usual morningrun, and when I returned I just took a quick shower, putted on some clothes, grabbed my old camera and then walked out in the streets of London. I loved to spent a whole day in the city with nothing but my camera. I always liked to go to some of the parks, to take pictures of the people. I usually ended up by the playground, where I photographed the kids. Not in any gross way, god no! Their laughter just helped me forget everything for a short amount of time. 

This day the sun was shining and the children ran around with big smiles. I squatted down, and took the cap of the lense. I focused on a little boy who helped a girl down from the swings. A smile came on my face, as I remembered the time when I was that little. No worries, no expectations. Suddenly I felt a little hand on my shoulder. I looked up from a camera, and a little girl with yellow shorts and a white flowershirt looked at me with big brown eyes. 

"Could you please tie my shoe?" Her little voice asked me. 

"Of course love!" I smiled and took a look at her tiny lightpink converseshoe. I quickly tied it, and when I looked at her, I found her staring at my hair. 

"There you go princess, a pretty bow for a pretty girl" 

Her eyes focused on my face again and then she looked at her shoe, to check if I had done my job properly. 

"Thank youuuu" She smiled and then ran of again. 

I shotted some pictures of the little girl, before I walked of to take a look on the rest of the park. I used my  whole day in the park, and as I saw people going home, I checked my phone. I had to be at Lucy's in less than 10 minutes!

"Fuck!" I spat and quickly packed away my camera before I ran of to the nearest busstop. As I sat in the bus, I wrote a facebookmessage for her

Hey gorgeous, where do you live? 

I knew she would be furious when she saw that I had dared to call her gorgeous again. Two minutes later my phone buzzed 

Bond Street. You are so lame. 

Bond Street? Shit, her parents must have been richer than the queen! I looked down at myself. I was wearing my usual skinny black jeans, a black t-shirt that said "rape" with a white font, and then of course my leather jacket. Haha, I almost hoped her parent were home, so she could be mad at me, because of my clothes. Maybe I should smoke a cigarette, just before entering, so she could smell the smoke? I laughed to myself, but decided not to. Would almost be too mean. 

I jumped of the bus, and walked the last way to Bond Street. When I turned the corner, and looked down the street it hitted me, that I had no idea, which building she lived in. I pulled out my phone once again, and quickly messaged her

And which building princess? 

She was going to be so maaaad! My phone buzzed again

Ugh, Leon will come after you. I can't believe I even invited you! 

"Who the fuck is Leon?" I said to myself, and starred at my phone. Suddenly someone poked my shoulder, and I quickly turned around, ready to defend myself.

"Excuse me, are you mr. Zayn?" A middle-aged man looked at me with no expression in his face at all. He was wearing a suit and on his upperlip, a nice looking mustache was formed. 

"Ehm yes?" I lowered my fists, and stood up straight. 

"Goodday, please follow me. Miss Lucy is waiting you" the man said, and finally I figured out that the man was Leon. 

I followed him to a big green doubledoor. He opened the door for me, and I entered a big hall, with  some stairs leading up to where, I assmued Lucy's room would be. I spun around myself, to take a look at the whole room. It was massive, and luxurious. I couldn't believe it. 

"She is in her room, up the stairs to the left" Leon looked at me. He was very good at hiding that he didn't liked me. 

"Thank you Leon" I said and walked up the stairs.

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