Chapter 36

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*Lucy's POV*

I parked the Audi in the front of the club Harry had told me they were at, and quickly pushed the door open, not caring one bit that I parked illegal. I ran to the entrance, pushing people away with my elbows where after I quickly explained my situation to the doorman and after giving him 30 pounds he let me in. I hurried through the crowd of drunk and sweaty people who was dancing and grinding against each other.

"C'mon" I hissed as I looked all over the place, trying to find my boyfriend. I was so nervous and afraid that something might've happened to him, maybe he got in a fight or got too much alcohol or something.

A smile flashed over my face as I saw the familiar brown curls of my boyfriend's best friend and I made my way to him.

"Harry!" I shouted so he could hear me over the music.

"Huh?" he slurred and turned his head around to face me "LUCY!"

"Ehm, yeah. Where's Zayn?"

"OH MY GOD! Zayn is sooooo drunk! We haven't spent time like this together since he fell deeply in love with you and-"

"Harry!" I shouted impatient "Where is he?"

"Oh yeah, I think I saw him go that way with some bimbo" he said and waved his hand, pointing at the corner of the club.

I furrowed my brows as I thanked Harry and made my way on uneasy feet to where Harry had pointed. What did he mean together with some bimbo? Zayn would do anything with her, would he? He loved me and I loved him. Right?

All the previous thoughts vanished from my brain and I stood frozen on the spot when I saw him pressing a fit, slutty-dressed girl up against the wall. His lips on hers. His hands on her ass. Her hands in his hair. My boyfriend's hair. The hair the he normally doesn't let anyone touch. I kept starring on them as they kissed and grinned against each other, because I just couldn't believe what I saw.

Zayn told me he loved me.

He lied.

The tears had already wet my cheeks before I noticed that I was crying and I felt so weak when a loud sob left my mouth. I knew he'd heard me when his whole body tensed and he spun around with panic in his eyes.

Panic because he got caught?

I couldn't think straight, I was seeing black again, but I had no intention to let the darkness win in front of him.


I cut him off by giving him the hardest slap on the cheek I could manage. I was so mad and so broken and... Does any of you know how it feels to be cheated on? To see the one you love together with someone else? Well it hurts. It hurts so much I won't even try to explain how much it hurts.

I turned on my heels and ran out of the club, tears streaming down my cheeks and loud sobs escaping my lips. People were looking at me like I was crazy but I couldn't care less right now. All I wanted was to lay in my bed and sleep for the rest of my life. Fuck Zayn. Fuck that slut. Fuck my perfect parents. Fuck all the money they have. Fuck my dead sister. Fuck me and my great fat fucking life.

I ignored Zayn calling my name. What was I supposed to do? Turn around and hug him, thanking him for breaking my heart? He was 1 out of the only 2 people I fully trusted and he did this to me? I threw everything away for him. My popularity, my friends, my facade, I let myself slip a bit away from Abby because of him. I fucking changed for him. But most of all, he fucking took my virginity.

Does it sound crazy if I still don't regret anything I did for him? Not even the sex? I mean, I just love him. I love him so much.

When I reached my care I drove home faster than I thought was possible and to be honest I was surprised that I didn't end up in a car crash since my vision was blurred by my tears. Guess God hate me enough to let me live through this. Fuck him too.

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