Chapter 23

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*Zayn's POV*

Wow. I have a girlfriend. Me, Zayn Malik, I have a girlfriend. And not only do I got a girlfriend, she just told her parents. Aaaand her parents wasn't really that exited about the whole thing, to be honest. Okay, they hated me. I'm not saying that it's weird that they didn't like me. I don't fit in to their lifestyle at all. I'm a "poor boy" as her father so sweetly said it. Her parents probably thought that Lucy's boyfriend should be a blonde, rich guy who loves to... I don't know... Sail and play golf? Well they got dissapointed. 

As I walked home from Lucy's house, the fresh memories of what had just happened kept playing in my mind. When Lucy's parents had asked who I was, I had said that we were only partners in drama, and that's were why we were holding hands. But then... Then Lucy had told them I am her boyfriend. She stood up for me. She didn't gave a fuck about what her parents thought. Ha, this time she was the hardcore badass and I was the insecure person who wanted to please her parents by leaving. 

My heart ached as I thought about how Lucy was probably sitting in her room right now, with silent tears streaming down her soft cheeks. And the worst part was, that I couldn't do anything to make her feel good, to hold her tight and kiss her forehead. Because her parents would never let me in to their house again. They would not even let me see her. 

My hands were in my pockets and my eyes on the ground in front of my shoes, as I walked home. Around my neck hang my camera, which were now filled with pictures of Lucy and Lily. Their names sounded beautiful together. 

I couldn't cope with looking at the pictures right now. I couldn't even cope with going home. I just needed to walk for something that would feel like forever. To get my thoughts clear, to figure out what to do. As I walked around London, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. 

"Hello?" I said into the phone

"Hi..." I heard Lucy's now raspy voice say. She must have been crying a lot.

"Are you okay gorgeous?" I had stopped walking, now I just stood in the middle of the street, giving Lucy all my attention.

"I don't know... I feel empty inside. I'm so sorry for what my parents said. Or... What my dad said..." I heard Lucy trail off, and tiny sobs escaped her lips.

"Hey, it's okay. They can say whatever they want about me. I just don't want you to get hurt... Or to be away from you. At all..." I said, feeling my voice getting thicker.

"I don't want to be away from you either" Lucy answered, and I could hear she was crying again. 

"Lucy please don't cry. You shouldn't waste your tears on this. We'll figure it out, I promise." Even though I said the words, I had a hard time believing them myself. 

Lucy didn't answer, she just sobbed in the phone, causing me to bit my lip not to cry too. 

"Hey... I have fallen so hard for you, that i will never let something or anything get in the way of being with you. You mean the world to me, if you didn't know it. Nothing can ever change that. Not even your parents." I said silently into the phone. 

I had just spilled my everything out to Lucy. My feelings, my emotions, my heart. I felt she needed to know how I felt about her. 

"Thank you Zaynie... " I heard Lucy smile into the phone, which also made a smile appear on my face.

"By the way, your guitar is still here..." She added and I heard her pick up the guitar, before she played one of the strings. 

"Shit!" I exclaimed, as the thought of not being able to play my beloved guitair hitted me.

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