Chapter 35

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*Zayn's POV*

I heard Lucy shout at her father, but I didn’t care. I quickly rushed out of the door, almost pushing Leon to the floor. As soon as I came out, I ripped the three upper buttons off of the shirt I was wearing. I cursed at myself for even trying.

Why should I also try to be the good boyfriend? Why did I dress up like some shit? Why had I been so nervous, and most importantly… Why did I even answer those questions? It was non of Lucy’s fucking dad’s business! Screw him! I walked in anger, which made my steps faster and bigger, causing my breath to get heavier and little pearls of sweat to form on my forehead. My knuckles were all white because of how hard I was pressing my fits.

Quickly I grabbed my phone from my backpocket, finding Harry’s number as I kept walking through London’s streets, heading to the area in the city, which was filled with clubs.

“EY YO Z!” I heard Harry scream into the phone, loud clubmusic playing in the background.

“Where are you Harry? Are you at “The Base”?” I quickly asked through clenched teeth.

“Wow, yeh yeh man. Are you comiiiiiing?” He shouted and I could almost smell the alcohol through the phone.

“Yeah. I’ll be there in 10 minutes. See ya!” I ended the call before picking up speed again. I felt the urge to get completely wasted and forget everything about this horrible night. I turned a couple of corners before I stood outside “The Base”, me and Harry’s favourite club in all of London.

“Hi Paul” I said to the guard before he let me in, not caring about all the people in the queue who threw curses after both me and him.

When I had entered the club, I instantly walked to the bar, ordering 5 shots of pure vodka. Quickly the stood before me, and I threw them down before I even tasted the alcohol. I turned away from the bar, scanning the club as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. My eyes fell on a girl I’ve been seeing before. She was tall, fit, with long straight darkbrown hair and brown eyes. She was an amazing dancer, swinging her hips in perfect sync to the beat, getting all down to the floor before she smoothly got up again. My eyes had rested for her on a while as I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.

“YOU’RE HERE!” Harry shouted in my ear, making me partly deaf.

“Yeah…” I just said, still with my eyes on the dancefloor.

“SHOTS! WE’RE GONNA GET SO WASTEEEEED!” Harry shouted at the bartender, before he turned me around to drink the five new shots in front of me. Luckily they weren’t pure vodka this time, but there was no doubt that they weren’t just Pepsi at all. Finally I felt the alcohol starting rushing through my veins as I ordered a drink, with doubleshots of vodka in it.

I sat with Harry at the bar for about half an hour, before I tried to walk again. My walk was not steady at all, but I kept on my feet. I am pretty practiced in this, so if you didn’t knew me; you wouldn’t be able to tell how incredible drunk I actually was. As more and more vodka got into my body, the memory of the dinner, Mr Williams and Lucy all got to the back of my head. They were almost disappearing from my mind as I was being adored my huge amounts of girls, who all seemed to want to take care of me.

“Excuse me ladies” I said before pushing one of them off of my lap, to find my way to the men’s room. On the way out there, Harry gave me company. Together we walked out there and stood beside each other as we did our business.

“MAN! It’s just like old days! You remember Z?” Harry laughed as he stared down at his.. Yeah…

“Haha yeah I know!” I laughed back, finishing my thing, before zipping my pants and redoing my quiff, so it looked perfect again.

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