Chapter 3

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*Zayn's POV*

The next morning I woke up at 5:45. I had allways been a morningperson, not able to sleep longer than 'till 6. I got up from bed and walked through the livingroom, where Harry laid on the couch snorring. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and get on my grey sweatpants and a black tanktop. I was going for my daily morning run. I was always running in the morning, before London really came to live. I loved seeing the streets left with nothing but a couple of homeless people, where there used to be stilettos and loud mobilephones. I plugged in my earpods and pulled down my beanie to cover up my bedhead. As I heard Harry mumble in his sleep from the couch, I slipped out the door and out on the streets.

I didn't knew where I was running, I just ran. I never had a route, I just took the streets I wanted, and somehow I allways managed to get to my apartment again, without even thinking about it. That morning I ran for about an hour, before my feet had brought me to my building again. As I entered the flat, Harry's curls were still spread out on my couch.

"Hey get up you sleepy asshole," I said and pulled his leg "I have to go to school."

He mumbled something back as he burried his face in a pillow. I left him and while he whoke up, I took a short shower and started to get ready. I didn't knew why, but for some reason, I felt that I just had to go to school that day. I knew that the first lesson would be English, and that we were going to work with poems. Probably Shakespeare. To be honest, I don't give a shit about Shakespeare. I felt I am better at being poetic than he was. I mean songlyrics and poems are almost the same, and I think that my lyrics makes much more sense, and valued so much more than his poems.

When I returned from the bathroom, Harry was awake. He now stood in the kitchen, looking for food again.

"I simply don't understand, how you can survive without having any food!" He slammed a drawer

"Well, it's not like I don't eat. I just don't like cooking myself" I shrugged my shoulders and picked up my emty bag.

"Why do you even carry that bag with you? You have nothing in it...." Harry looked at me with sleepy eyes before he sat down in the armchair

"Because when you go to school, you have a bag. Simple as that"

I knew I was being ridiculous. But I just didn't wanted to seem like a complete douchebag who only came to school, to leave again. Before Harry could ask me anything else, I closed the door behind me, and walked out in London in order to find some breakfast before I went to school.

I was the first one to sit down in the English classroom. I dropped my bag on the floor and took out my phone. As I sat there, just scrolling down my facebook, a girl entered the room. Her hair was long and blonde, her eyes sparkling blue and her lips had a delicate pink color. She looked perfect, to say it as it was. She sat down in the middle of class, without even looking at me. From her purse she pulled out a couple of books, in which she started to read. I followed her moves as she took notes and flipped page by page. I knew who she was, I just didn't remember her name. As people began to turn up, I took my eyes of her, not wanting them to see that I was looking at her like that. At last the teacher came in, and the lesson started.

"Lucy and Zayn, you will be working together.... And so will Kaitlyn and Amber"

I woke up from my thoughts by my name being called. Confused I looked around the classroom to find out what was going on. Unfortunately, my teacher noticed.

"Zaynnnn," She looked at me with stern eyes "you and Lucy are a couple, do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am" I mumbled and looked to the window.

Before I knew it, the blonde girl stood in front of my desk. She had her books in her hands and looked down at me with a hint of disgust in her eyes.

"Just to let you know, this project means a lot for my grades, so you are gonna work your ass of, because I don't want to get dragged down by someone like you" She said without smiling

"Well, aren't you feisty" I said, pretending that I didn't care about anything she just told me.

She pulled over a chair and sat down.

"What do you even know about Shakespeare?" She asked me and opened her pink notebook.

"That he sucks..." I said, wanting to provocate her.

She rolled her eyes "Yeah, like you could do what he did better" she said without looking at me, still taking notes.

"Oh if only you knew..." I snapped at her and lent in over the table. "My lyrics are so much better than his!" I added and then sat back in my seat again.

"Do you write?" she looked sceptical "You don't look like someone who does" she said and flipped her long hair behind her shoulder.

Shit, what just happened? Not even Harry knew that I made lyrics. Why had I told her? 

"Well, no. I don't. Of course I don't do lyrics...... " I said quickly and crossed my arms over my chest, and looked at her as if she were crazy. She seemed like she didn't paid any attention to me, before she closed her notebook and then looked up at me. 

"Anyway, should we get to work? We have a lot to do." Her light voice said, before she took a sip of her waterbottle. 

I sighed, and took of my leatherjacket, exposing my bare arms. I was wearing a loose black tanktop with a Guns 'n Roses logo, and I instantly felt her eyes on my inked biceps. With a smirk I looked up at her.

"Like what you see?" I said and gave her a dirty smile.

"No, I don't! How can you even think that I like those... Those... Ew! No!" She squealed at me, and my smile faded.

I really loved my tattooes. They were a part of me, each of them told a story or was a little secret, hidden as a drawing on my skin. My hand gently stroke my left overarm, feeling the textures of the tattoes. 

"What was it your name was?" I asked, because I could tell she was the kind of girl that knew she was popular. It would shock her, that I had to ask for her name. And I was right. She raised her eyebrows and her lips parted as she looked at me. 

"Well my name is Lucy-Amelia Rose Williams" she said and raised her chin a little. 

Suddenly the bell rang, and everyone quickly got up.

"Ugh, now you have spilled all of our time. Then you will have to come over tomorrow night, so that we can at least get started. Be there at 7 p.m., don't be late and don't even think about bailing me." Lucy said, got up and left.

I couldn't resist to take a look at her bum, as she walked out of class. 

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