Chapter 2

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'Mom! Dad! Jamie! I'm home!' No answer. 'Hello? Where is everyone?' I walk upstairs and go make my homework. I can't focus. Why? Why the hell can't I focus? I have to focus!
My phone rings. I sigh. Alex.

'Hey Al.'

'Hi, I'm sorry, I can't go out tonigh'... My dad freaked out cos he found some cigarettes. He's fuckin' angry with me yeno.'

'Oh well, that's okay...' I try to hide my disappointment, but I know it didn't work.

'Look, I'm really sorry. What 'bout tomorrow?' Alex asks.

'Yes, that sounds great!' I say a little too excited. 'I miss you,' I murmur.

'Miss ya too.' 

'Good luck with yer dad.' I hear Alex laughing.

'Thanks, darlin',' he says.

'Who was that?' My mother is standing on the doorstep.

'Hello mom, never heard of knockin'?' I say sarcastically.

'Why so cranky? Can't you even tell me who you're talking to?' My mother complains. 

'It was just Alex.'

'So..... And what did "good luck with your dad" suppose to mean?'

I sigh, 'seriously? A li'l privacy please?' Can't she just leave me alone? She's so annoying.

'Never mind, I'm gonna make dinner. If you stay that cheeky, you can make your own dinner, mrs Cook,' my mother says.

'Fine,' I snap. So now I'm all alone with a mother who complains all the time. I'd rather spend my night dancing with Alex. But that's not gonna happen.

I text Alex:
My mother's cranky too. I wanna climb out of my window and come to ya house :)

Shall we sneak out of the house 'n go to the club?

See ya in a minute. Don't forget yer fake idea xxx

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