Chapter 7

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'Yer gorgeous, Cookie,' Alex moans. I'm only wearing panties and a bra and Alex is caressing my back. I take off his shirt and look at his body.
'Kiss me,' I whisper, while I'm taking off his pants. And he kisses me softly and lovingly.
'Babe,' his hand slides into my underpants.

I wake up confused. What the hell! What did I just dream? WHY AM I DREAMING ABOUT HAVING SEX WITH MY BEST FRIEND? Then I see Alex is awake. I try to behave normal.

'Mornin' sunshine,' I smirk at Alex. He rubs his eyes. He looks tired, which isn't strange because of yesterday.

'Hailey, what did ya do?' He asks while he feels something in his hair.

'I put flowers in yer hair.'

'What the hell! Why?' He laughs.

'I dunno. Because it's ya birthday, I guess,' I giggle. Today he became eighteen.

'Wow, I completely forgot! But seriously? Flowers? Ugh!' Alex bursts out laughing and I join him.

'Happy birthday! It looks very cute by the way,' I say, 'cause I know he'll hate me for it. He takes the flowers out of his hair.

'Noooo! Aawh it looked so good on you!' Alex gives me an irritated glance and he pricks me in my belly. I scream.

'Well, I'm gonna take a shower,' Alex says, as he walks to the bathroom. I really start to like it to share a room with him. And maybe I also might start to like HIM a tiny tiny little.

I walk to the kitchen to make breakfast and when I walk past the bathroom, I see Alex left the door ajar. I can't restrain myself from peeking inside. I see him taking off his clothes and he is just so freaking beautiful. I stop peeking, 'cause I feel terribly wrong about it and I start making breakfast.



'Can I ask you somet?'


'What 'appened yeste'day?' I am silent.

'You don't remember?' I ask disappointed.

'No, I don't.' I sigh. Shall I tell him the truth? Shall I just say he was drunk and I took him here? (That's also the truth...) Maybe it's not a big deal, I mean, he was drunk, he said stupid things... No, I have to tell him the truth.

'You got drunk and you tried to kiss me...' Alex looks shocked. Damn. He really doesn't like me, does he?

'So what did ya do?'

'I pushed you away...' I mutter.



'I regret that I didn't just let you kiss me.' Ooowh, I shouldn't have said that! I. AM. SO. STUPID. But I am in love with him, that's for sure. Alex looks at me surprised.

'Please don't laugh at me,' I squeak. 

'I won't laugh at you.' I feel very uncomfortable.

'Now please kiss me before I do, cos that'll be wrong,' he says and I grin. He's gotta be kidding me! No, he doesn't. He literally asked me to kiss him.

'Yeah blame it all on me, I don't care,' I lean forward and press my lips on his. He kisses amazing.

While we kiss, he caresses my jaw and I feel his tongue against my lips. I open my mouth a little more to let his tongue in and hold his body close to me. Our tongues move against each other.

'Don't let me go,' I murmur, when his lips let go of me for a moment.
We start kissing harder and I smile. I feel so happy. I think I've never loved someone as much before.

'I love yer,' he says, letting a moan escape from his mouth.

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