Chapter 22

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Two months later...

Hailey POV

Today I'm packing, because I'm going to move out. I'm graduated and I'm going to live on my own. Alex and I will both study Guitar Classics and we are going to live quite near to each other, so I will still see him regulary. That sucks, because we broke up and it's quite hard to see him lately. I have a new boyfriend, Jack, but it's still awkward to see Alex. We broke up really bad. We yelled and he left me very angrily. I was really really mad at him. I never had been so mad at him before. And now it's over. And I don't regret it. He's an ass. And I fell in love with Jack.

I grab everything I need from my room, which is quite a lot, because I have lots of stuff on my room and I can't leave it behind. And yes, I hate Alex, but I had a great time with him and I can't leave our pictures behind. They're too cute. And Alex meant too much to me, a huge part of my life. And okay, maybe I do miss him a little. I don't want to admit it, because of
Jack and because of the fight Alex and I had. But I can't say I don't love him anymore. He doesn't seem to miss me though. And yeah... That hurts.

'Need some help?' Jack asks me.

'Yeah, thanks,' I say. He starts packing my stuff from the bathroom.

'Yeno, I never thought I was going to miss this place,' I sigh. Jack smiles.

'It's strange, isn't it? Leaving everything behind...'

'It is...' I say. Jack already lives on his own. He's three years older than me. My thoughts go back to Alex for a while. Is he packing already? When is he going to move out? Will I see him when I bring my stuff to my new room?

'Are you okay?'

'Yeah, I'm fine... I'm just gonna miss you, too...' I mutter, while I put all my clothes in a bag.

'And I'm gonna miss you. But we will see each other quite often. It's all gonna be okay.'

'I know, I know.' Tears apear in my eyes. 'It's just so strange that I have to do it all on my own now...'

'You'll get used to it. I love you, Hailey.' He takes my wrist and pulls me towards him.

'Please kiss me,' I yearn. He slowly leans forward and purses his lips. He kisses me and his lips start sucking mine. My breath leaves my throat gasping. Our tongues touch like crazy and he starts squeezing my breasts. We sit down on the bed and kiss rougher and rougher. I wheeze.

'You make me horny,' he says and suddenly it sounds really wrong. I don't know why, but when he says it, it sounds bad. He's older and more experienced and I make him horny. I think that usually would make me honored, but right now it doesn't. It makes me scared.

'What?' He asks. Apparently I stopped kissing him and I look at him like he said something crazy, which I think he did, but he didn't. He's my boyfriend. It's not a sin to get horny from your girlfriend.

'No, nothing... I think it's just not a good time...' I decide.

'Okay...' He sounds disappointed. He fondles my jaw and gets up from the bed. 'Okay... Another time...'

I start wondering if I'll ever get over Alex. No Hailey, this doesn't have anything to do with Alex, I say to myself, but I know it isn't true.

I start packing again, but it's silent. I feel very uncomfortable.

'I'm gonna miss you,' I say to my parents, when we say goodbye.

'Ah darling, we're gonna miss you too!' My mother cries. 'I love you and you'll always be my little Haileybailey!' We hug. My father swallows, when I hug him too.

'Good luck. We'll stay in touch!' He says. 'Love you.' Jamie stays at home a little longer and I hug him too.

'Bye sister, I hope you're gonna have a great life,' he says grinning.

'Thanks. You too, brother,' I laugh. I kiss him on his cheek and get my things.

'Goodbye everyone!'

Jack and I get in my car and he drives me to my new home.

Alex POV

'Hey Jamie!'

'Hi mate, how ya doing?'

'Eh... Well... Honestly, I feel a little lonely...' I say. I lay down on the couch.

'Yah, I understand. You left three days ago, right?' He asks.


'You miss her?' I sigh. Of course I miss her. She was my life!

'Yeah I do... And it's empty here. I don't have any roommates yet. So I'm all alone...' I complain. 'And I'm gonna leave now. Someone's knocking at the door,' I mutter.

'Wait, I wanted to tell you something...' - I hang up and walk to the door. When I open it, my mouth drops.

'What the...' I begin.

'Oh my God!' She shouts.

Hailey is standing on my doorstep.

'No wait - Are we roommates?!' I ask shocked. 'You gotta be kidding me!'

'No, I think we are. So if you don't mind, I'd like to go in my room,' she says in a bitchy way. Her arrogant, big boyfriend follows her. I walk back to my own room. Why the hell is this happening all the time? I don't want to be reminded on her every day, because that will make me miss her even more. And I already sleep bad because of her.

'Who is that?' I hear her boyfriend ask her.

'Oh Alex, he used to be my boyfriend on High School...'

Wow, that sounds terrible! He used to be my boyfriend "on High School". She already talks like she's old aged. But it seems to satisfy Jack. I hate him already.

'If you need the bathroom, it's a mess, so you'll have to clean it up first!' I shout, to annoy Hailey. If she's going to be like this, I can be very annoying too!

'Seriously? How long have you been here? Two days? And it's a mess already?! Do I have to use the same bathroom and kitchen as you?! My God!' She screams irritated. I chuckle. Yeah, that's Hailey. I hear Jack saying some things to calm her down, but he really doesn't understand. Hailey isn't that easy. I know all about that. I think this is going to be a hard time...

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