Chapter 10

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Alex POV

'Hey, we're going out tonight, mate,' Miles enters my room. 'Happy birthday!' He says cheerfully, but then he sees me, sitting on my bed with my head in my hands. My eyes are still red from crying. Normally I don't cry and I would hate it that Miles sees me like this. It's not cool. But right now I don't care.

'Wow, it looks like you really need to go out with friends. What's wrong?' Miles asks with compassion. He sits down next to me and uncomfortably rubs my back.

'Miles, stop, you're not helping!' I snap.

'The problem is that I CAN'T go out, cos I had a fight with my dad again.'

'But it's yer birthday!' He says indignantly. 

'I know! But he told me not to go out.'

'But you never listen to your dad, why now? You really need a party! Just go to a party with me please,' he begs me. I smile a little. Actually it's not such a bad idea. And my dad is always angry, so why should I listen to him? He will be mad at me anyway. No matter if I listen or not.

'Well, I guess I don't really have a choice,' I grin.

So when my father is at his work, we leave the house. I need to smoke, so I light a cigarette and with trembling hands put it in my mouth. I inhale the smoke and feel a little better. 

'You look pale man.'

'Thanks.' I exhale and the smoke finds its way out of my mouth into the air.

'It was a girl I guess?'

'Uh-huh,' is the only thing I can say. I bite my lips. Don't cry. Don't cry.



'I knew she was a bitch.'

'No, she isn't a bitch! Don't ya call her that again. Ever.' Miles doesn't understand it. He has no idea what happened. Probably he thinks Anna just broke up with me, but it's much more complicated.

'Wanna talk about it?'

'No. I just need to forget it, okay?'

'Okay. I'm sorry,' Miles says and I really appreciate it.

'No I'm sorry. I shouldn't 'ave snapped at you.'

'Two beers.'
It was a good idea of Miles. I start to dance and forget about all my worries. I drink a lot of beer. I want to get drunk. I want to feel happy. I see Miles is flirting with some hot girl. I wish I had it that simple. Right now I wish I was single. But why shouldn't I have fun? Anna doesn't have to know about it. And Hailey. Hailey isn't my girlfriend, so I don't have to worry about her... I see lots of beautiful girls over here.

'Hey,' says a girl with pretty eyes and a very short skirt, which shows her long legs. She's beautiful. But she isn't nearly as pretty as Hailey and I don't like her at all. She dances defiantly and grins at me. She likes me, that's crystal clear.

'Hey, what's yer name darl'?' I ask. 

'I'm Fiona. D'ya wanna dance?'

'Sure.' We dance. I remember last night with Hailey. I'd rathe dance with HER. Suddenly Fiona starts to kiss me. She kisses horribly, she must be drunk. She pushes her tongue inside my mouth and I really DON'T like the feeling. I push her away from me and walk away. Disgusting.

I walk to the bathroom and there's a girl who hangs around my neck before I can even look at her. It all goes really fast. She kisses me and I just like it. I know it's wrong, but she kisses nice and I need to kiss someone. I'm a little drunk too. I kiss her back and don't think about Anna and Hailey for a moment. 

'What's your name?' She asks, our lips don't let go of each other. I still can't see her face, it's hidden by her brown hair.

'It doesn't matter,' I moan, 'please just kiss me.' She does. She starts taking off her pants and puts her legs around my waist. I lift her up and put her on the washing stand. Then I take off my shirt and look her in the eyes.

'HAILEY?!' I'm shocked. NO NO NO NO NO. This can't be real. Oh my god, what did I do? Why is this happening? Why can't she just be someone I don't know. FUCKING HELL.

'ALEX? What are you doing here? You bloody asshole! Why the hell are you kissing me? I thought you were just a random guy!'

'I - I didn't want to kiss YOU!' I say, still in shock.

'And why did you wanna kiss a random guy?'

'Says who? You were kissing me because you thought you didn't know me right? And I wanted to forget you! That's why I'm here! I hate you! And then I apparently kiss you! It's always YOU! You ruin my life!' Hailey says. She's really mad at me.

'It's why I'm here too!' I scream.

'Alex, you are a dick'ead and you can fuck off! I don't want you in my life anymore! Burn in hell!' Hailey's face turns red. She's so angry. I'm afraid that she'll hit me or something, but she starts crying and I carefully cuddle her. 

'Alex,' she sobs.'I hate you.' Then she lays her head down on my shoulder. When she stops crying, she kisses me. I let her, 'cause I don't have the strength to stop her. I'm in love with her.

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