Chapter 5

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' 'Ave you ever danced with Anna?' I ask. 

'Of course.' Something inside me hurts. I hate the idea that I'm not the only one Alex is dancing with. I wanna be the only one. And I want everyone to be jealous with me. Especially Anna.
That's terribly selfish of me, but it's just how I feel.

'But she's not a very good dancer,' Alex chuckles. 'You dance great.' 

'Aawh you're cute,' I say, while I rub his hair. He looks at me indignantly. He runs his hand through his hair and says: 

'Don't ya ever do that 'gain.'

'I'm so sorry, did I ruin your hair?' I smirk. He nudges me sniggering.

'I'm gonna get some drinks. Want too?' I nod. I sit down on a comfortable couch and relax a bit. 

Alex is really sweet. I can't imagine how you can not like him. I mean, I don't like him of course, but he is just... Perfect. His big deep-brown eyes. His perfect nose and his kissable soft lips. I will never forget how it feels when his lips touch my cheek. How does it feel when they kiss your lips? How does it feel when his tongue touches yours? Or when he caresses your jaw.

'You really 'ave to taste this!' Alex gives me a very small glass of liquor.

'What is it?'


'Isn't that a li'l too strong, Al?' I ask. 

'Yeah, but it's amazing!' Hesitating I take it and let a little of the liquid slide down my throat. I feel it burn a little.

'What d'yer think?' Alex asks.

'Heavy stuff,' I mutter. 

'It's good, eh?' I nod. Suddenly I feel very happy and relaxed. With Alex next to me. Drinking some strange stuff, which tastes weird, but amazing.

'Want another one?'

'Yeah,' I take another one. We also try other stuff, Alex more than me, and when we're both pretty tipsy, I drag him onto the dancefloor.

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