Chapter 8

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'But I can see it in your eyes! You don't look at me like that. Deep down you do like her. I know it. And what did you two do? You were sleeping in ONE bed, Alex. ONE BED. Don't yer love me anymore?' Anna cries. I can see the pain in her eyes. It hits me like thunder. I don't wanna hurt her. I just don't. I do love her.

'Anna, look, nothin' 'appened. You 'ave to trust me. I do love you. And only you. I promise you there's nothin' goin' on between me and Hailey,' I lie. I don't wanna lie to her, but if I tell her the truth, I'm afraid she'll break up with me. I made such a big mess of all this.

'Al, will you promise me you won't see that girl anymo'e?'

'But we're neighbours and best friends! I know 'er much longer than you! I can't just break our friendship!' I try.

'Can't you just do that for me? You always choose her!'

I take a deep breath. I'm in love with Anna, I don't know what just happened with Hailey. What do I have to do to convince Anna there's nothing going on? 'Cause there IS something going on between us, but I don't understand what it is...

'An, I promise I won't see her anymo'e if that makes ya feel better. I'll do anythin' for ya. You know I love ya righ'?' I decide with pain in my heart. 

'I know and I love you.' We kiss and I try to swallow the lump in my throat. I've made the right choice... Or maybe not?


When I come home, my father is waiting for me. Fuck. I wanna run upstairs, but then I feel a strong hand on my shoulder. 

'Alex Turner, you're not going anywhere,' his loud voice commands me.

'Just leave me alone.'

'No, I need to know where you were yesterday.'

'Why should I tell ya? I don't 'ave to tell you everythin'! I'm not a baby anymo'e!' I yell at him. I'm tired of his sermons. He is just always mad at me. I can't do anything right.

'Just let me go upstairs.'

'No, not until you tell me where you were. I'm your father. I'm worried.'

'Wow you're worried. That's rare. I was just at a party with Hailey, not somethin' you 'ave to WORRY 'bout,' I sigh.

'But I told you not to go out!'

'Yeah and I told you I still did!' I know I'm being cheeky, but I'm just so tired of him. I'll be glad if I get out of here. No one who's nagging at me. No one who tells me what to do.

'You don't go out anymore. From now on you go home after school and you don't leave the house at night. Until you decide to listen to me.'

'No, but dad, today's my birthday! Jamie, Nick, Matt, Miles and I wanted to give a big party!' 

'No party for you, my dear.'
WHAT? How can he be so cruel? My BIRTHDAY, he ruined my fucking BIRTHDAY.

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