Chapter 21

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'What the hell were you thinkin?! Now I've fockin' lost her because of you! It's over Anna, I am so done with you, so fockin' done!'

'No! Alex, please! Don't do this to me! I need you! You're the only one I can count on!' She cries. My head burns with anger.

'Not anymore! Leave! Now!' I shout.

'But I have nowhere else to go!'

'You should've thought 'bout that a li'l earlier!'

'Ah screw you, Alex fockin' Turner!' She yells, while she angrily leaves the room. I sigh. What a bitch. Jesus. I hate her. My father walks in.

'What was that about?' He asks.

'Don't wanna talk about it right now.'

'Is she coming back? I mean - she lived here for a while, so...' - 'No, she's not coming back, dad.'

'I know it's hard sometimes...' he says. He doesn't understand this at all. He probably thinks I'm just heartbroken because of Anna.. I am, but in a different way. It's not because I loved her, but because of what she did to me.

(16.47pm) "Hey, it's me, Alex. I really want to talk to you. I can explain everything..."

(17.20pm) "Hi, it's me again. Call me when you hear this."

(18.30pm) "Hailey, call me please. Love you."

(19.01pm) "Hey, I am so worried. Please just leave a message or somethin'. Let me know you're okay."

(21.15pm) "Hailey, I'm sorry. I am so so sorry. Would you fogive me? I've really messed up and I can't forgive myself if you don't. And I love you."

(22.04pm) "Hi. Maybe I should stop calling you, but I can't. I can't stop hating myself if you don't call me back. So... I won't stop calling you. Even though you don't listen to all this."

(22.55pm) *No message*

(23.02pm) (yelling and crying) "Damn it, Hailey Cook! I've fockin' called ya a hundred times! Seriously, you needa call me, 'cause you make me feel so fockin' guilty, which I am, which I am really sorry about, which I told ya, which you probably heard but ignored, which isn't fair! So fuck you."

Hailey POV

I'm ignoring Alex for more than six hours and I feel bad about it, but I can't talk to him right now. He has just hurt me so much. I mean, he fucked Anna! I hate Anna! And just at the moment I needed him, he was lying on top of her! The dick! I really can't forgive him. He always crawls back to her! Always! But now it's enough! I guess it's over... No! It can't be over! Somewhere inside me it really really hurts. Alex was my boyfriend for a very long time and actually I've always loved him. No, it can't be over. Okay, yes it can and it will be. I have to stop this, because I might get hurt much more if I don't end it right now.

It feels like my chest is falling apart. I can't breathe. All I can do is cry. Stupidly. Pathetically. Hysterically. Crying.

I step into the shower and wait for the water to warm my skin. But I stay cold. Cold and wretched. I wash my face. The water doesn't make me feel better, like usual. I sigh. When I want to leave the shower, my stomach starts hurting and in the water flows blood. Blood? Where does that come from? When I see where it's coming from, a scream escapes my mouth. It can't be my period, because I'm pregnant. Why am I bleeding? What the hell is wrong with me?!

I dry myself and grab a tampon. I should go to a doctor. Right now. This doesn't feel right. My parents went to some friends of theirs and I'm certainly not going to ask Jamie. Or Alex.

'Hey, you look terrible,' Jamie says, when i walk into his room.

'Thanks bro,' I try to say comically, but my lips don't make a smile and my eyes don't sparkle.

'I'm going to the doctor.'

'Oh? What's wrong?' He raises an eyebrow.

'Well... I don't know if mom told you, but...'- 'Yeah, she told me...' Jamie interrupts me before it gets awkward, which it does anyway.

'D'you want me to come with you?' He asks.

'Yeah, that would be nice of you...' I say thankful.

So we get in Jamie's car and he drives me to the doctor (at 0.15am).

Alex POV

'Hey mate, Matt, Nikki and I are at a party, why don't ya come too?'

'Hey Miles. I don't know man. I feel terrible.'

'That's the perfect reason why you should come! Take Jamie and his li'l sister with you if you want!'

'No, Hailey's the reason I'm feeling terrible!'

'That sucks... Well, you can also kiss very prettie blondies here!' Miles giggles.

'I don't like blondies. Since Anna yeno...'

'Don't be a dick'ead, they're not all like her!' Nikki screams through the phone and I burst out laughing.

'Well... Okay, but I'm not gonna kiss anyone,' I say and I hear Miles laughing.

'Heey Turnery!' Nikki runs towards me and hangs on my neck.

'The hell! How drunk are you?! And don't call me that! Ever,' I laugh.

'She has drunk really much, man!' Miles says. 'She already has fucked three guys.'

'What? And you think that's okay?' I ask shocked. That's not like Miles at all.

'Nah she's drunk. It's quite funny actually.' Funny? Miles's girlfriend is having sex with everyone and Miles says it's funny.

'Ah, fuck off! You're drunk too!' I say and he just laughs.

'Don't be so serious! Just have fun! Like me!' Suddenly he starts kissing some random girl with a dark skin and blond dyed hair. She seems to like it and drags him away. I look at Matt, try to say 'help' and then we laugh.

'Why did I use to like these parties so much? It's disgusting. Kissing everyone, while you're drunk, like they are your own,' I mutter.

'Yeah, I've never liked that, but the dancing's great!' Matt smiles. 'And some girls are quite sexy yeno. You don't have to get drunk to see that. And it's better not to get drunk if you want to get one.'

'You're right.'

We start dancing. I'm actually a very good dancer, so some girls look very impressed. I don't want them to look at me, but I don't stop dancing. It makes me feel better. Relaxed. I enjoy it. I feel very happy. Free.

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