Chapter 16

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'You're back!' Alex says cheerfully, when I come home. He was waiting for me outside. My parents leave us alone, which I really appreciate, since I know my mother's opinion about Alex. He lifts me up and hugs me.

'Yeah, I'm back!' I try to say cheerfully, but it sounds more like I didn't want to go home. I try to free myself from his grip. I don't understand why Alex thinks we're still together. Is he forgotten that I broke up with him or something?

'Al, would you please let go of me?' 

'No,' he chuckles. He kisses my neck and tickles me.

'Alex, stop it! AAAH! No! Don't you dare! ALEX!' I scream. First angry, but then I start laughing. Alex smirks. He wins.

'God, I missed this. We were both so depressed. We needa change that.' 

'Yeah, we do,' I say. I've missed him too. Maybe it's better to admit that, because I need Alex. Actually I broke up with him, but I think I can't just shut him out that easily. I love him too much and he will fight for me. 

'Hailey, I have to tell you somethin'.' The sentence scares me. It sounds really bad. What the hell does he need to tell me? 

'Well, what is it?' 

'I broke up with Anna,' he says. Wow. That isn't bad news at all! Oh my God! That wasn't easy for him. Did he really do that for me? I thought she always was "the one" for him and I was his second choice. 

'Oh my god! Really? Oooh Alex, I love you! Now we can just be together! Now I can kiss you, while everyone can see it! I can introduce you as "my boyfriend"! My fucking BOYFRIEND! I have an amazing, handsome, cute, smart, gorgeous, beautiful-voiced, talented boyfriend!' I really am too happy. Now I let him lift me up and kiss him. I put my legs around his waist and smile. I haven't smiled like this in a long time. I'm so in love.

He takes me to my bedroom and lays me down on the bed. We start kissing very rough. I hear his breath become faster.

'Oh babe,' he whispers.

He lays on top of me and caresses my hips and thighs. I take his hand and lead it inside my pants. It feels so amazing. My heart races.

'Alex, what are ya doin' to me!'
Alex grins. We kiss and touch each other. Then we kiss and touch each other naked.
'I love you... Your face.... Your body... Your smell... Your kindness... Everything...' Alex says and it's just perfect. Everything about this moment. Perfect.

'I love you, too.'
I feel him go inside me and moan happily. Our lips touch each other's lips and other parts of our faces and each other's necks, shoulders, chest/breasts.
I squeeze his hand softly and we smile satisfied, while I feel him going down on me again.

All of my chapters are very short. I hope you don't mind it. I just don't have much time. But I hope you like it so far.

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