Chapter 17

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'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' My parents and Jamie come in and they find me and Alex in bed, laying very close to each other. I'm locked in his arms and I look up confused.

'Eh... Maybe it's not a good time,' Jamie smirks. He leads my parents away from my room.
I free myself from Alex's grip.
'Yeah, happy birthday,' he yawns.
'Thanks.' I laugh.
I get up, take on some clothes and press a kiss on Alex's forehead. He is the best birthday present ever.

'Love ya,' I say. We walk downstairs, holding hands.
'Ooooeehh,' Jamie grins. Normally I would feel embarrassed, but right now I don't give a damn. My mother looks at us disapprovingly. My father just smiles. He only knows the young Alex. When Alex was a kid. He doesn't know he has "changed", which my mother said, which isn't true.

'So... You guys are together?' He asks.
'Yeah,' I say excited. I see my mother staring at Alex. Can she please stop doing this? Like Alex is "bad" or something. It's bullshit!

'We have a present for ya.' Jamie gives it to me. It's big. I think I know what it is. I look at him as happy as a little kid who gets a lolly.

'Just open it!' He encourages me.
I open it. Everyone looks at me quizzically.
'Wooow! It's beautiful!' I shout.
'You guys are amazing!' I kiss my mom, dad and brother on the cheek.
It's a guitar. An electric one. It's red with black on the sides. It's so pretty.

'Our little girl. Already eighteen. We had to give you something special,' my mother says.
'Thank you so much.'

Then it's Alex's turn. He gives me a little package.
It's a necklace with a photo of us in the middle. Me and Alex, when we were little. We are laughing very hard and it looks very cute.

'Aaawwh so sweet!' I say and I see Alex is blushing. He is so cute. I rub his shoulder.
'I'm glad you like it.'
How can my mother not like him? He is so sweet, doesn't she see it?

We eat breakfast and after that, Alex, Jamie, Miles and his girlfriend, Matt, Nick and I go to the beach. Jamie drives us and in the car they all give me wonderful presents. Books, music, posters, soap...
I love my friends. We know each other so long, except Miles's girlfriend, Nikki. She and Miles are together for only two months. But she gave me a present, even though she doesn't know me very well. And I like her, too. She is really kind.

'This is already the best birthday ever,' I smile when we walk on the beach. I feel the heat upon my skin. I take off my clothes until I only wear my swimming clothes and I run towards the sea.

'You look hot,' Alex flirts. His grin grows. His sexyness is killing me. 'Are you guys coming?' I yell, ignoring Alex, even though I feel really flattered.

We swim, we tease each other, we laugh. We just have fun.
Alex and I kiss and hug. I feel his wet body stick to mine.

'Gimme my towel back!' I scream to Matt, when we go back to our stuff. He stole my towel. I run after him, screaming and the others don't help me. They just lay at their towels, watch me and laugh at me.

'Come help me, you bastards! Matt is much faster than me, it's not fair!' I shout indignantly.
'But you're so beautiful when you're frustrated!' Alex shouts.
'You dick'ead!'

Alex laughs really loud. He truly looks happy. Very happy. Like how I feel right now. I don't LOOK happy, though. I look angry and I guess that's what makes it that funny.
Everyone is laughing and suddenly I get the giggles too. But like really the giggles. I mean like almost rolling on the ground.
'MATT! Gimme my fucking towel!' I laugh.

Matt falls to the ground, because he laughs as much as I do.
He gives me my towel. We walk to the group and lay down on our towels, still laughing.
Alex caresses my leg. His brown eyes watch me in a loving way.

Suddenly I start vomiting next to my towel. Ieuw! My day was so great! Why does this ruin it?

'Hailey, are you okay?' Jamie and Alex ask at the same time.
'Yeah... It must be the concussion,' I say, because it's still not totally over. It's disgusting. A sour taste fills my mouth.

'I'm sorry...'
'Don't be,' Nikki says determined.
'It's not your fault.'
'No, but the day was so perfect! Why does this have to happen?' I start crying.

'Shhhhh...' Nikki pulls me in her arms.
'It's gonna be alright. This day isn't ruined yet.'
'Thank you.'

Alex takes it from Nikki. He holds my face in his hands and presses a kiss on my nose.
'It's terrible to feel this sick on your birthday... Do you wanna go home?'
I nod.
'Okay then.'


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