Chapter 25

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Hailey POV
Alex's grip on me is getting stronger and I feel very safe in his arms, just like old times. When we stop cuddling, he looks me in the eyes and says: 'I'm so sorry....'

He caresses my cheek. No one can comfort me like he can. And that's when I start kissing him. I just need it. I don't wanna be a bad person, but I guess I just am. And right now I can't think of Jack, who wouldn't understand. I can only think of Alex. 'Cause, God, I've missed him.
His soft lips go down my neck. I shiver. My breath is getting faster.

'Alex...' I mutter. Our kissing turns into roughly touching each other's lips, while we're wheezing heavily.

'Hmm?' He whispers.

'Nevermind... Just take off yer clothes,' I say. I slowly take off his shirt and throw away my towel.

'Hailey... I can't...' He says, staring at my naked body. His eyes go down my breasts and I feel a little uncomfortable.

'I still love you...' He adds. Tears burn in my eyes. 'I'm sorry...'

'No, no, you're right...' I mutter.

'I can't do it anymore, if you don't feel the same way as I do...'
I cry.

'But I do, Alex! That's the problem. I can't love you, but I do. I always have and it's not gonna change!' Now Alex starts crying too. I put on my towel and hug him again. I want to say we're just gonna be fine, but I just don't know. I need him. What if my mother is gonna.... No, I need Alex.
I feel his tears on my cheek. I love him so much more than Jack. Damn, it's going to be this way forever. Maybe he's my soul mate or something. I want to change clothes, but Alex doesn't let go of me.

'I have to go to my mom.'

'I'll go with you if you want me to...'


Alex POV
So we visit Hailey's mother in hospital. It's terrible to see her this way. She looks very sick.
When she sees me she looks surprised. And after Hailey talked to her, we are alone.

'Alex... Didn't expect you to come,' she mutters.

'I couldn't let Hailey go alone...' I whisper, so that Hailey isn't able to hear it. 'And... I know you my whole life... To tell you the truth, it scared me... I hate it to see you this way...'
She smiles a little.

'I'm gonna be fine...' She says. She mustn't say things like that. She doesn't know if she's gonna be fine.

'Don't you dare promising that to your daughter. It will break her.'
Tears flow down her cheeks.

'You're right, Alex...' She says. She takes my hand and squeezes it.

'Please just be okay...' I say. She nods.

'Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry for being such a bitch to you all the time... I imagined you different...'

'No, there's nothing to feel sorry for... You're a good person and I love you...' I say. I know she has always hated me. No, not always... Since I became a teenager.

'Please take care of my daughter...' She still cries.

'Don't say that... Please just... She needs you... I need you...' I panic a little. Before I start crying, which I really DON'T want to do, I say 'Well, I think I go back to Hailey...'

'Thanks for coming...'
I almost run out of the room. When I see Hailey, I hide my upcoming tears.

'You okay?' She asks.

'Yeah... You?' Hailey throws herself into my arms. A little confused I comfort her.

'I don't wanna go home,' she cries.

'Neither do I.' I rub her back.

'Let's just... Go to a hotel or somet...' I suggest. She doesn't argue, so I take her to a hotel. Not that I have much money, but right now I don't care.

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