Chapter 15

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'Alex? Where is Hailey, what did you do to her?' Hailey's mother screams through the phone. I feel terribly guilty.

'She is... In hospital... And it's all my fault...'

'WHAT? What happened?'

'She... She fell.... With her head on the pavement... She needs you,' I end the conversation, because it's all too much. I can't handle this. I fall down on my knees and cry, huddled. Why did I think I could have two girlfriends? What the hell was I thinking? Actually I knew it couldn't work, but I just wanted it too badly. I love her so much more than Anna. And now I lost her. She won't go back to me. I bury my face in my hoodie and stay there.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up. 

'Are you okay?' A short, blond nurse asks. How long have I been sitting here? 

'Come on, I'll get you some food.'

'What time is it?' I'm completely disoriented. 

'It's 6 AM. You must be a little confused, but don't worry, you can sleep if you want. I suppose you haven't slept very well. You were sitting here all the time. Do you want some food?'

'Where's Hailey?' I don't wanna sleep, I don't wanna eat. I wanna see Hailey. I need to see her.

'She is in the room right there, but she is doing fine. You need to think about yourself. What happened to her must have shocked you. And you need some sleep.'

'I need to see her!' I feel her hand on my shoulder again. 'Leave me alone!'

She's asleep. She looks incredibly beautiful, even with the huge injury to her head. I don't wanna wake her, so I sit down very quietly.
I look at her long dark eyelashes and her perfect nose, lips and chin. How was it even possible that this perfect beautiful person fell in love with me? It's crazy! And now I have nothing left. Anna. But I don't want her anymore.

Hailey POV
I wake up l, laying in some strange bed and see Alex sitting next to me. Actually he doesn't really sit. His head is placed on my bed and he sleeps. Where the hell are we? It looks like some weird place out of my dreams. My nightmares. White walls, strange neon lights. Wait, I know where I am. 

'Alex, what happened?' I wake him and he looks very exhausted. I don't want to see Alex. We had a fight. I broke up with him, with much pain, but that's what I decided. And I haven't changed my mind. But I need to know why I'm here, 'cause everything after our fight is a blur. 

'A car hit you and you fell with your head on the pavement. You have a concussion. And I am so so sorry for everything!' I need some time to process this. I can feel the pain in my head. It's constantly and it's very annoying.

'Why isn't my mom here, why didn't she visit me at all?' I ask slightly angry.

'Your mom did visit you. She already told you that you have a concussion. You forget things.'

'No! She didn't visit me! I just... Don't remember.... No wait, seriously? Did she?'

'Yes... She did.' Great. A concussion. Forgetting everything, headache, feeling sick.

'Hailey, please tell me you haven't broken up with me. Tell me you were just angry, not knowing what you said. Would you please still be with me? Or wait... Do you remember that?' I can see he is scared. And he is serious. He doesn't want to lose me.

'Yeah I remember, I'm not stupid! I didn't forget everything! And like I told you... - AAAAAAAAHH!'

'Hailey, Hailey what's going on? SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!'

Alex POV
Suddenly she starts screaming, like screaming LOUD. Like my ears were going to die, which means that she has extremely much pain. I have no idea what's going on and I call for help.

'Stay calm. Young man, I need you to leave this room now.'

'But, NO, she needs me! She... What is happening to her?' 

'Please leave this room.' Frustrated I slam the door behind me.

'Alex?' Oh no, that blond nurse again. I sigh.

'She is alright, it's just much pain of the headache, nothing extraordinary. She'll be better soon. And forgetting things will not last long in her case. It's all gonna be fine. Now you need to eat something.'

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