Chapter 4

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When we walk in, I see Alex is wearing a suit. It looks appallingly good on him. His hair is messy as always, which I think is really cute.

'You look beau'iful,' Alex says, his eyes sparkling. 

'No I don't. I look horrible,' I say insecure. 'I should've said it to you first, cos you do look great.'

'What? Hailey, you look fuckin' perfect, babe! You're the most beau'iful person I know!' He blurts out. 'I- I mean... Except Anna of course.....' Slowly his cheeks turn red. 

'Well, thank you,' I say shyly. Something tickles in my stomach.

Anna is his girlfriend, who I really hate though. She is a terrible person and I don't understand why Alex loves her. I really DON'T. She is always nagging and needs very much attention. Just. Annoying.

'Shall we dance?' I ask.

'Yeah, I love this song.' Alex is the only one of my friends that isn't ashamed of dancing. He loves dancing, like me. All of my friends are guys and guys don't usually dance. Except from Alex. We always go crazy on the dancefloor together. He's a very good dancer, so that's amazing.

'I've missed ya, li'l Cookie,' he kisses my cheek and it makes me get goose bumps all over my body. WHY? He always kisses me on my cheek. WHY DO I GET GOOSE BUMPS? 

'Missed ya too,' I say very calm, while I'm shaking.

The DJ plays a very slow song, so I put my arms around his neck. He puts his around my waist.
We slowly shuffle across the dancefloor. I'm overwhelmed by his smell and the more I think about it, the more I start to love it.

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