Chapter 13

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'Hailey Cook, I am so done with you, young lady! Why does this happen all the time? How long haven't you been going to school? And I want the truth!' My mother shouts.

'Just one day,' I lie. 'I felt sick.'

'You're lying! Stop lying to me!' 

'I'm not lying, I swear!' Damn, please just believe me. I don't have time for this. I hate all these questions. I want to be with Alex right now.

'So you felt sick? I don't believe a word of it! I've heard it before! Tomorrow you are going to school and if you don't, you're not going out anymore and I'll take your phone and your guitar,' she threatens.

'No! Mom, I promise you I'll go to school!'

'Good. Now go make your homework.' I wanna walk away, but she grabs my wrist.

'Wait, one more thing. I don't want you to see Alex this much. He has changed. He has a bad influence on you. Smoking, drinking, skipping school and all that. Just go hang out with some other friends. Nice friends.'

'WHAT? You have no right to take him from me! I HATE you!' Enough. She can't take Alex from me. She can take anything, but not him. He is my everything and calling him bad influence is just... Well, I don't know what it is, but I hate it.

'Fuck you!' I scream. 

'Is this really because of him, Hailey? I don't know what's going on between you two, but this drama because of him? I want it to stop now! This way he will change you too.'

'I haven't changed! And I am not going to! We are friends since we were three! You can't just take that from me!' My face turns red.

'Yes I can, you're not going back to him again.'

'Watch me!' I say, holding my face close to hers and I run past her, open the door and leave, slamming the door behind me.

I know Alex is practicing with Arctic Monkeys, so I get in my car and drive to the practice location. I am really angry and upset. I have to calm down, but I just can't. I play Nirvana and sing along, very loud, and the tears flow down my cheeks.

'Alex?' I open the door and see four faces watching at me.

'Hey, wha's up?' Jamie asks.

'D'you have a sec?' I ask Alex, ignoring Jamie. 

'Er... Yeah.'

We walk outside and Alex grabs a cigarette. He doesn't seem to see my red eyes. 

'Still don't want some?' He asks, offering me a cigarette. I grab it, put it in my mouth and almost die. I've never smoked before, so I can't do it without coughing. He looks surprised.

'What? You? Smoking? Hailey, are ya still there? Who are you, stranger?'

'It's not funny,' I snap. 'I had a real bad fight with my mom and I - I guess I just walked away.... I don't wanna go back there! But I didn't take clothes or food... And I don't have a place to stay,' I start crying again.

'Hey, come 'ere,' he embraces me. His brown eyes look worried. 

'I dunno what to do!' I sob. He caresses my cheek. 

'Babe, it's gonna be okay.'

'No, it's not!And my mom didn't want me to see you anymore. Just like Anna. I hate them! I want to be with you! Why does everyone want me to stop seeing the one I love! Like it's my fault that I love you! I don't wanna love you, I just do!' I cry very loud and probably the band can hear it. I hope they don't.

'Hailey, I love you too. It's like we were doomed to love each other or somet. We know each other for a very long time and I think I actually loved you from the first time we met. No one can tear us apart, okay?' I nod. I try to smile a little, but I don't think it looks very convincing. But it's nice to hear him say these sweet things to me.

'I'll get you some linens and you can sleep here on the couch,' he says.

'Thank you so much,' I say. Of course, we always use this place for party's and stuff (the band for practicing), so of course I can sleep here! Why haven't that crossed my mind? My parents don't even know about this place.

We walk back inside and the lads comfort me (they can see I've cried). I have amazing friends and I don't understand what my mom said about bad influence.

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