Unexpected Visit

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Logan and I woke up to the door ringing. Rubbing my eyes I clicked my phone "Whew it's in friday" I said walking to answer the door. "Hello!" Liam said. "Oh wow Liam I didn't know you where coming" I said as I noticed him look Logan and I up and down realizing we still had our spongbob and Patrick pjs on. We all laughed " y'all excuse me ima go change!" Logan said running up stairs. "Your cousin..umm?" I knew what he was wanting to ask "She is from down south just moved here, it was a decision she made when she turned 17." His mouth shaped in an Oohh like form as I walked out to sit on the porch with him. Our house wasn't like other houses surrounding each other. Ours was kind of by itself with more land which is the way we like it. Plus it gives us a beautiful view of the land. I sat beside Liam crossing my legs and arms. "So what brings you over here on this sunny morning" I nugged his arm. He rubbed the spot as if that hurt laughing "Niall is excited about the date tomorrow" I looked at him surprised "Really he just asked me last night before bed how could you know?" He laughed "you'll learn with us sweet there are no secrets everyone knows everything about each other. Absolutely no privacy." Obviously not that I minded they knew I just didn't want them to think to much in to it. I mean it's just a first date, it might not even go well. "Sooo that's why you came to tell me about Niall?" I asked, he held out his hand "And to give you these" they where tickets! To there concert next Tuesday! "Oh wow Liam thanks so much you have no idea how excited my cousin in there will be haha!" He laughed as I threw my arms around him. The hug lasted longer than I'd liked and we pulled back awkwardly. I stood up quick "So I gotta go, supposed to show Logan around London and take her shopping and stuff. Sorry but thanks for the tickets" I gave him a sincere smile " No problem bye Brit".

I walked into the bedroom, Logan was on my bed. She looked up "what the sam heck was that all bout" I threw the tickets on the bed. She looked from me to the tickets trying to process what was happening... And then she broke "YIPPPPPYYYYY!! Omg we are going to a ONE DIRECTION CONCERT" deciding to join in her excitement I jumped on my bed with her feeling like kids again. We laughed and giggled. I turned on my radio deciding to jam it out as we got ready.

I put on my white strapless tee with a Rock sign on the front of it tucked it into my high waisted black shorts with suspenders and my combat boots. Went with red lip stick giving me edge, I'm a huge fan of Miley Cyrus an Demi Lovato so their style is really inspiring at times. "How do I look for shopping?" Logan asked coming into the bathroom "WOW you look gorgeous!" She swatted at me "Thanks cuz". Logan was wearing a loose no sleeved black shirt with a big diamond on the front that curved in at the bottom showing off he four buttons on her short orange shorts. It was totally killer cool.

We left the house around four an where on our way to Atsuko Kudo. I never tried saying the name because it was always difficult to pronounce. It was a bit if a drive but worth it i loved their corsets! And I figured Logan being from the south would get a kick out of it.

"So not to ya know get my hopes up but is Harry single?"

"Ya know Logan I saw that question coming and yes he is. But he seems I don't know a ladies man. Player"

She looked at me a little disappointed "Yea that's what people say but idk I still wanna hang with him just to see how he plays it" we laughed but I was just worried I didn't want her to get her hopes up.

"Well that was a surprise ya know back at the house his random visit with tickets.." She hinted at

"Yeaaa sooo.?" I asked

"Ohhh nothing I just think Niall's not the only one takin a likin to ya" I laughed that was crazy talk

"No Liam's just a friend he was the first I met out of them he even said we are gonna be great friends!"

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