Oh Baby Baby

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Brittany's POV

"Well that was fun" I said to Niall as we headed to Perries house to drop me off. He parked the car helping me out. When we got to he steps he turned me to face him "Lets get our own place" my face lit up "Niall I'd.. I'd love to!" I kissed his lips feeling over joyed. This was going to be a new chapter in our life and I was more than ready. Something came over me before I could say what I wanted to, the next thing I know my stomach aces and I throw up on the steps. "Oh Brittany, it's okay love I've got you" Niall said making sure I didn't fall as I threw up more "We need to get you to the doctor"

A wave of worry crossed our faces as we looked at each other before leaving. "You don't think..." He stopped me "No it's not possible the doctor even said that your results where switched with someone elses.. It's just not possible!" I looked out the window. That wasn't what I was going to ask him. For about a month now my stomach has been hurting an I've been throwing up a lot. I didn't want to tell him the possibility but now that we are going to the doctors we will know soon enough. Perrie said that pregnant scares are common, but this felt legit.

"Hello Mrs Edwards I'm Dr Neil,please tell me what's wrong" the lady asked, thankfully Niall waited outside. "To be honest for about a month now I've been feeling sick and throwing up" she nodded "have you had your monthly yet?" I shook my head no.

Niall was allowed in the room when she was down checking. "What she say?" He asked worried "I don't know yet she said the results will be in shortly" he was confused "what do you mean results? Is it that bad? Not just a stomach flue" but before I could answer she can back in with a man. "Hello I'm Doctor Til, Mrs Edwards" he looked to Niall "Are the husband?"

"Boyfriend" he nodded "Well I have good news for both of you then" I took Nialls hand in mine knowing what was coming next "It would appear you are Pregnant Mrs Edwards.... Congratulation".

****** Soorry about it being short but wow pregnant!!!

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